New office bearers for MSBCBC

JOHOR — The 94th Plenary Session of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei (MSBCBC) took place at Majodi Centre, Plentong, from 7-11 July.

Apostolic Nuncio to Malaysia Archbishop Joseph Marino addressed the Arch/bishops at the opening session.

This was followed by the election of the new office bearers and heads of commissions for the term 2015-2016. Then the Archbishops and Bishops proceeded with the agenda that included discussions on inter-faith, seminary and vocations, justice and peace, liturgy, catechetics, social communications and healthcare and Islamisation.

On the matter of Liturgy, the Conference agreed:

  • that the Liturgy of All Saints shall be used for the Sunset Mass on Friday 31 October 2014. All Masses on Saturday, 1 November 2014 are of All Saints including the evening/sunset Mass.
  • All Masses on Sunday, 2 November 2014 are of All Souls.
  • On Ash Wednesday which is on 18 February 2015 and falls on Chinese New Year’s Eve, it was agreed that Masses are to be arranged with imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday as usual. However, fasting can take place on Ash Wednesday itself or on another day which is to be decided by the individual.

The Conference at this meeting has carved out a new Commission from the Commission for the Lay Apostolate. This Commission for Youth/Campus Ministry will be under the leadership of Archbishop-Elect Julian Leow from 2015-2016.

The MSBCBC has approved the proposal for the Malaysian Catholic Campus Student Day (MCCSD) which will be from 14-20 July 2015 at the Archdiocesan Curia & Cathedral Pastoral Centre (ACCPC), Kuching.

The Conference has renamed the Pontifical Mission Society (PMS), to the Commission for Mission to the Commission for the New Evangelisation.

Vincent D’Silva


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