New Committee for Catholic Cemetery Management

(Front, left to right) Simon Sung, John Sup, Daniel Lom, Tom Naar; (back, left to right) Michael Tores, Joseph Chin and Joseph Then Ah Nyuk.

SERIAN — On 15 January, the Catholic Cemetery Management Committee of the St Theresa’s Parish Council held a meeting to form the new committee in line with the Parish Council requirement.

The new Committee for the period 2014-2016 is as follows:

Chairman:  John Sup
Vice Chairman:  Daniel Lom
Secretary:  Tom Naar
Treasurer:  Simon Sung
Auditor:  Joseph Then Ah Nyuk
Cemetery Supervisors:  Joseph Chin, Michael Tores
Committee Members: Edwin Manung, George Ansunggo

The Chairman John Sup congratulated the former Committee for a job well done in the maintenance of the cemetery and the completion of the projects. He especially thanked YB Datuk Sri Richard Riot, YB Datuk Sri Michael Manyin, YB Encik Martin Ben, former ADUN Datuk Frederick Bayoi Manggie for the government grants as well as the Majlis Daerah Serian, which went a long way to making all maintenance works possible.

He hoped for their continued support in the light that further works are deemed necessary in the coming years: earth filling to raise the level of the low lying area, tar-seal the road with proper drainage so that those attending the funeral would be provided with essential conveniences at the cemetery.

He requested those who intended to make tombstone to consult the Committee because adherence to rulings is still binding. He also said that the Committee shall not accept burial for foreign workers and those from kampung with burial grounds.

Simon Sung, the treasurer of the Committee, thanked those who have donated generously towards the annual cemetery maintenance fund.

He sought the cooperation of those who are obliged and those who have booked the lots to pay their annual maintenance fund contribution as soon as possible by All Souls Day, 2 November at shop King Thai, near the traffic light at Serian Bazaar. All payments received would be acknowledged on the church notice board.

Joseph Then

NEWLY FORMED COMMITTEE … (Front, left to right) Simon Sung, John Sup, Daniel Lom, Tom Naar; (back, left to right) Michael Tores, Joseph Chin and Joseph Then Ah Nyuk.


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