Malaysian Pauline Sister celebrates silver jubilee of religious profession

Poster for the golden-silver jubilee celebration.

By Sr Anna Yap, fsp

PASAY CITY, PHILIPPINES — A Malaysian Pauline Sister celebrated her silver jubilee of religious profession on 29 June 2021 at the Queen of Apostles Sanctuary in the compound of the Daughters of St Paul Central House here.

Marking the event along with Sr Shirley Chong of Sabah were her co-novices Sr Catherine Justine Bacay of Olongapo and Sr Erlinda Escoto of Bicol as well as Sr Clothilde de las Llagas of Bicol who was celebrating 50 years of religious life.

Although the travel restrictions imposed by the government to curb the spread of Covid-19 resulted in the event being celebrated only among the sisters themselves, it did not dampen the joy and festive atmosphere of the celebration. The event was live-streamed through the institute’s Facebook.

The thanksgiving Mass was presided by Fr Rollin Jean Marie Flores, Provincial Superior of the Society of St Paul, and concelebrated with Fr Paul Marquez SSP.

After the homily, the jubilarians renewed their vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. At the rite of peace, representatives of the community pinned a corsage on each jubilarian. After the communion prayer, Sr Clothilde gave a thanksgiving speech on behalf of the jubilarians before inviting the congregation to sing the Pauline theme song: Scio Cui Credidi (I Know Him in whom I have believed cf 2 Tim 1:12).

It ended with a simple agape meal in the open air outside the chapel.

Born in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Sr Shirley entered the congregation in 1992. She made her novitiate in Lipa City, Philippines which ended with her first profession of religious vows in 1996. She took her final vows in Sabah in 2002. Being a computer graduate, she spent almost half of her life working in the information technology sector of the Philippines-Malaysia-Papua New Guinea-Thailand Province (PMPT) in Pasay City. She is now a member of the staff of the Paulines Institute of Communication in Asia (PICA) which runs media and information literacy programmes.

Catholic Sabah


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