By Linda Edward

PENANG — Synod coordinators from each diocese, all men and two women, were approached and asked about their experiences of the process and how the Malaysian Church can move forward in unison. Some who could not attend due to work commitment, were approached via Whatsapp.

Two questions were asked:

1) The synodal process has been a long and possibly demanding journey especially if you were involved in animating communities, organizing assemblies and collecting feedback.

Based on your experience, how do you think this synodal process has enriched the Church in Malaysia?

2) The responses to the Synod questionnaire would vary from diocese to diocese. The dioceses would have also selected or adapted from the list of thematic nuclei and questions. 

How then should we or can we move forward in unison as one Malaysian Church?

Fr Andy Lee, Diocese of Miri “We are not alone in this journey”    

“(1) It has given us the realization that we are not alone in this journey. It’s challenging because in this journey, some are in front (ahead), some are in the middle, some are at the back. If we journey together, we need to not be too fast until the others are left behind. Being aware of who is around us, who have fallen…in order for us to reach out to them. The church has differences, they have their challenges, diversity, difference in languages, between urban and rural. But we can look beyond our differences and be united in this journey.”

“(2) We have to foremost listen to the Holy Spirit. In this synodal journey, we pray the synod prayer. We need the Holy Spirit to discern, to be attentive to each person’s needs, each parish, diocese, communities because each one is different. As long as we don’t rely too much on our human structure and human thinking but rely on the Holy Spirit to help us. It is the Holy Spirit that can bring us together. We cannot rely on our human ideologies, otherwise we become just an association.”

Fr Moses Rayappan, Diocese of Melaka-Johor “They just want a church that is more caring”

“(1) The idea of having a synodal is not new for us but this one is the only one that has got the whole diocese excited. Everybody was talking about it, everybody was interested to contribute, some are indifferent. But generally, the contribution was very positive but the people are also waiting what we will be doing about it. That is also one of my real concerns.

There are a lot of positive feedbacks and expectations from the people, but realistically they just want a church that is more caring, more available, priests who are more approachable. This is going to call all of us to come out of our comfort zone. Sometimes we are very comfortable in what we are doing, it invites us to new way of looking, new way of believing and new way of living.

This can only come about if we can be human enough like Jesus. We are called to experience the pain, sorrows of others before we can make this journey truly a memorable one. I guess this is the only way to move forward that we are truly open to one another, we are to listen, to accept and journey with one another.”

“(2) While the church in Malaysia is one, but the needs are different. The expectations of the people, their lifestyles, intellectual abilities, income, cost of living are different. We have to come up with systems that cater for all needs. It’s difficult because there will always be a domineering force in all the dioceses, there will be someone dominant in all the parishes. So, this is one pitfall that we have to make sure we don’t fall into.

As long as the church in Malaysia has one direction, we know where we are going, what we are building. Whenever problems come in the Malaysian church, it affects all of us, not only in Sabah or Sarawak or Peninsular. In moments like this, we need to show our solidarity, if something happened in Sabah, I think Sarawak and Peninsular should also show that we are together. We should not wait for Sabah to say something, we should also say ‘what can we do to help the situation?’

People are often expecting some reaction from the top level, when we are quiet, then the people start to talk on our behalf. We have to address issues when they come, we cannot remain quiet. Being patient is good, but being quiet is not.”

Fr Jude Miranda, Diocese of Penang “The laity is also taking responsibility”

“(1) The synodal process has helped to bring people of all different levels, to come together, to put their minds and hearts in the process of listening, discerning and also moving towards a journey together. The church has always been a church for few that is leading, but today we can find, with the process of synodality, the laity is also taking responsibility, they are also co-responsible to make the church a beautiful church, meaningful and relevant for us.”

“(2) Through the synod questions, the most fundamental insight is about relationship. I think that will hold the church together. Though we differ in culture, in thoughts, in the way we celebrate, but what brings it together is the relationship with God. And because of that we hold very precious the kind of identity, the kind of conviction that we have in our lives as Christians, as Catholics.

I also feel this synodal process is called towards a synodal church: participation, communion and mission, definitely build the kind of unity that is visible. Through that visibility, the glory of God can be seen and greater glory will go to God.

I find that the spirit of the Lord is leading through the process of answering the questions by the people, laity, priests, whoever it was, I could see that it’s not just their mind, but the Spirit is leading them. There was great enthusiasm, they want to participate. I think that is not just coming from human condition but there is something more. The Spirit is actually touching the church, touching each one of us and that’s beautiful.”

Fr Ivan Fang, Diocese of Sibu “At least eyes are opened in this very stage”

“(1) Myself as a non-Malaysian, my involvement in the process is a unique position because I’m looking at it from an outsider point of view. I see that the church is indeed struggling in this process. There is a fear of where it’s leading to. Many people are anxious.

In fact, what has been done has opened the eyes of many parishioners especially those in the church. There is something more than just going to Mass or being active in the church itself. That there is life outside Mass. I think that’s a good thing because it’s not about inward looking but outward looking.

At least eyes are opened in this very stage. We have to do something about it otherwise the church will always go back to that again and it never grows. The whole theme of the synod – communion and participation – actually leads to mission, which is us going out to do what Jesus asked us to do.”

“(2) It’s important what the secretariat will come up with, the final document, would not just be a document. Also, each diocese must take that back and together with their own synthesis report, they must push back to their own parishes and try to implement the suggestions and proposal for growth. It cannot just become a piece of paper but it has to be implemented.

That’s why its important later on, come to the PMPC, the findings of the synodal process can be taken on board and incorporated into the process of PMPC. That’s what we are aiming for.

The people also expect something to be done with what they have shared. Their participation is also important, they can’t just throw back to the hierarchy and leaders and say ‘oh we’re waiting for something to be done’. That kind of attitude has to change as well. The people must get involved in the implementation of the whole findings of the synodal process.”

Msgr Gilbert Engan, Diocese of Keningau “Masuk lebih mendalam lagi dalam hidup umat”

“(1) Ya kalau proses synodal ini, bagi Diosis Keningau, memang bukan sesuatu yang baru, sudah dimulakan sejak 1993 lagi. Tapi dengan proses ini, ia membuka lagi lembaran baru, masuk lebih mendalam lagi dalam hidup umat, serta mendengar suara umat, kerana pada masa sekarang, situasi sudah berubah, keadaan sudah berubah.

Hidup umat pun berubah, cabaran-cabaran pun sudah berubah, jadi proses ini memang membantu untuk mahu memahami, hidup umat itu, baik kanak-kanak, untuk belia, keluarga dan warga emas.

Jadi proses ini lebih membantu untuk terus memahami situasi, keadaan hidup pada masa sekarang. Lebih mendalam, lebih mahu mendengar suara mereka, pendapat mereka tentang gereja pada masa sekarang.”

“(2) Bagi saya, setelah mendengar laporan-laporan tadi pagi dari setiap keuskupan dan juga keuskupan agung, bagi saya kalau kita mahu terus bergerak, melangkah maju bersama sebagai gereja Katolik Malaysia, saya lihat ada empat perkara yang harus kita terus bincang.

Iaitu pertama sekali, soal menggereja. Apa itu menggereja? Pada masa sekarang ini perlu diperdalamkan kerana kalau kita sudah cakap menggereja, kita juga bercakap tentang relasi hierarki dengan umat, peranan gereja dan sebagainya.

Kemudian, kedua adalah keluarga, situasi dan cabaran keluarga. Yang ketiga adalah isu-isu dalam masyarakat pada masa sekarang, isu politik, ekonomi, sosial, hal-hal yang berkaitan dgn masyarakat. Dan yang keempat itu adalah soal alam ciptaan Tuhan.

Jadi kalau gereja Katolik di seluruh Malaysia, boleh bercakap dalam arah yang sama berdasarkan empat perkara ini, menggereja, keluarga, isu-isu sosial pada masa sekarang ini, politik, ekonomi kemudian tentang alam ciptaan Tuhan, kalau kita di dalam arah yang sama, saya rasa kita berada di landasan yang sama. Lebih senang untuk mahu kerjasama dalam banyak perkara.”

Sr Evelyn Tivit, Diocese of Keningau (Synod contact person) “Finish the process with the same goal”

“(1) A call for everyone to be aware and responsible to finish the process with the same goal. An opportunity to manifest the spirit of togetherness in the challenging process.”

“(2) Yes, we can as long as we have the spirit of “Unity in diversity” because God knows better how to unite us.”

Fr David Garaman, Diocese of Sandakan “The synodal process has re-opened up various pastoral opportunities”

“(1) Though the time frame for this process is short and came during the time when we were still battling with the pandemic, the synodal process in my opinion has re-opened up various pastoral opportunities. It is a matter of re-looking into the present pastoral planning and approach so be able to respond to the demand of becoming church that is truly synodal. We have gone through the process and learned so much from it. So, it is time to wake up and start grab those opportunities.”

“(2) I believe that as long as we are being faithful to the Spirit of Synodality, wherever we are we can never lose our way unless we let ourselves be lost. Nevertheless, we need to find what is made of Malaysian Church. What is that one identity that can express we are a Malaysian Church?

Once we find it, then it is important to be faithful to that identity because it is that identity of faith that tells us of our unique relationship with the Trinity and one another as Malaysians.”

Rita Krishnan, Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur “We are very fortunate to have our Archbishop who makes it very simple for us to implement”

“(1) The structure itself came from Rome where they have the outcomes in mind. The briefing part came through the preparation document and the outcome is already pre-framed through the ten thematic nuclei. So, when you go through the process systematically, you will see the responses changing, not only voice of the people, but a way forward, i.e. what can we do to improve our own parishes, our own ministry in this diocese.

We are very fortunate to have our Archbishop Julian Leow, who makes it very simple for us to implement. In our archdiocese, we have a toolkit that came out from this synodal responses. The first recipient of this toolkit was the parish priests during the clergy recollection.

Therefore, as long as our priests are with us, and throughout this journey, we had priests (parish priests, ecclesial assistants) who would journey with the secretariat and the synodal team, making it simpler and easier. In fact, the listening to the scriptures was totally handled by the priests in all the parishes, in all the ministries.

Even when we needed to speak to Orang Asli, we needed to speak to the peripheries, the priests helped us, assisted us in looking into all this nitty gritty of the spiritual aspect.”

“(2) When you look at it, the entire region, you can see one commonness that is relationship, leadership, formation for the laity and priests, and also the cultural image of islamization, how it effects our churches and what can we do in the synodal way to address this issue.

Although we are different in culture, tradition in all regions, the oneness is there because we are people of God, we have that special magic called love, that others may not have. And we are united in Christ and entire process is Christ-centred.”

Fr Patrick Heng, Archdiocese of Kuching “We are able to work together”

“(1) It’s indeed a very long process. To reach the rural parishes, where they do not have a good internet connectivity, they rely quite a lot on the physical approaches from the parishes and parish working team. Unfortunately, because of the MCOs, we are not able to do this so the outreach was not that great. There were less listening to the people in kampung and very rural areas.

But having said that, we also realized that towards the end of last year and beginning this year, we were able to move. We had to do a manual questionnaire to listen to them, they filled out the questionnaire and sent it back to us in the parish, and then we keyed in the google form supplied by the archdiocese. From that, we got quite a small number of them responded to us.

It’s a long journey and what I found out is that we are able to work together between archdiocese level and the parish level. These working teams had been very cooperative and they were also able to energize the people in the kampung and taman, to look into this process, which is not new to us in the archdiocese.

It also brings out new issues that we have never seen before, some we have seen before, like connectivity, responding people in need especially in the rural areas, how they can also help, whether they are in the rural or urban areas. We also see a need now for younger people to play bigger and more important role in the church. In the archdiocese, we have the succession plan, this came about because of the MCO, so the questionnaire and process help us to look into this also.”

“(2) What I see from all the presentation of the reports just now, there’s a common theme that cut across all the dioceses, for example, formation that can come in many areas, for age-group, for different group and ministries. There has been mention about formation for the youth, children and the elderly. Formation will cut across a lot of dioceses.

Younger generation play an important role, we have the hierarchy here but hierarchy is not just the priests but the younger one. They have an important role to play in the church and they have to play that role now than in the future.”

Anthony Lim, Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu “It is calling us to be who we truly are”

“(1) It is calling us to be who we truly are. A church that is following somebody and that person is Jesus. A church that follows Jesus. What happened to the church when it grows, we tend to become very modern, very clever, we are beginning to build a church based on how it should be.

I feel this synodal process is calling us to return to be a church that is following Jesus. The model of the church has always been there from the very beginning already. God never changes, we are the one who change. We changed based on what we see, how people are modernized, which is okay but the core of our lives must never change, that relationship with Jesus. For me, I feel that is what the Lord is bringing us to go back to.”

“(2) Although it looks different, but if we dwell into the spirit of each one what they are saying, actually we are common. For me, I don’t see a lot of difference, the difference is more that the Lord is showing us that He is the God who is so… I think He’s bringing us to really understand what God means.

Our understanding of God, I think we are beginning to limit Him already. But He is not limited, there’s a wide variety but there’s also one. That’s why He has given us the Spirit, I think very beautifully, the Pope said “Listen to what the Spirit is saying”.

Why? If we go to the scriptures, the history of the church even from the first day of the Church, the Pentecost, what is the role of the Spirit? It’s always, first to bring unity in the vast diversity.

In our human mind, we would think as ‘you are so different, you are different’, but it is only the grace of the Holy Spirit that can bring all these together. When you bring all these together, actually what comes out is the beauty that like St Paul says ‘something that is so great that we cannot even imagine to ask for it’.

I think the beauty that the Lord wants to create in the unity through this diversity, is a beauty that we cannot imagine in our mind or even think about to ask for but that’s what God wants to bring.”

Catholic Sabah


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