Learning to age gracefully

PENANG — Seniors should remember that they are made in the image and likeness of God and focus on living life to the fullest.

David Sipatham said this to 44 elderly people of the Butterworth Parish during his session on Growing Old Gracefully.

He explained that in Jn 10:10, Christ came to give us life in abundance, but the ‘thief’ comes to steal, kill and destroy. Thus life is full of ups and downs. Some of the struggles that the elderly go through are failing health, loneliness, generation gap, employability and lack of confidence. Often, some become prisoners of the past and dwell in unforgiveness and regret. He said, “We are never too old for anything so give life the fullest.”

He prodded the audience with these questions: “What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? An empty, ageing person or a reflection of God’s image?” As we grow older, we tend to think of ourselves as useless and physically unattractive. “You are the temple of God — called to greatness. So each time you breathe or see the chalice raised at consecration, you should be reminded that you are the temple of the Holy Spirit and feel God’s presence within.”

In short, to grow old gracefully, one has to put God first and have the virtue of gratitude. He asked them to count their blessings and not compare with others as in 1 Thes 5:18 “in all things give thanks”. Gratitude leads to happiness and those who give are much happier.

Secondly, he encouraged them to spend their money on experiences — it gives new insight and memories. Then the elderly were asked to make their ‘bucket list” in small groups. He encouraged the elderly “not to drop the ball but to keep the momentum through windows of opportunity” and fulfil their bucket lists as a community. He encouraged them to be godly, grateful and gung-ho persons.

Lastly, he shared his experience as a banker and cautioned the seniors on the various scams that target the elderly and the retired. He explained that scammers generally prey on fear, greed and loneliness. He reminded them not to divulge personal information to unknown callers.

Parish priest Fr Dominic Santhiyagu closed the session with the quote from John F. Kennedy that one should not just add “years to your life but life to your years”. He encouraged all to keep moving and living life with joy. He then blessed everyone.

Ann Marie Yap and Sheila Rose Darmaraj (Herald)


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