Learning more about the Paschal Mysteries

Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Brigade with Officers and Fr Galvin Ngumbang, St Augustine’s Room, 1 April 2023.

By Lt Rita Ling

KUCHING — A talk on Paschal Mysteries was given by our parish priest Fr Galvin Ngumbang for our Boys’ Brigade (BB) members as well as members from the 11th Kuching Company BB and Girls’ Brigade (GB) from Blessed Sacrament Church. It was held at St Augustine’s Room, old Parish Centre, St Joseph’s Cathedral on Saturday 1 April 2023, from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.

The Lenten season was a perfect time to have this sharing. Paschal Mysteries are central to our faith but not always the easiest to explain to our children and students. They refer to the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ by which He heals us from sin and enables us to become children of God.

The summit of our Catholic liturgical year is the Easter Triduum. It begins with the evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, continues through Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion and Holy Saturday, and climaxes with the Easter Virgil, concluding with the evening prayer on Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord. Though chronologically three days, they are liturgically one single day revealing Christ’s Paschal Mystery. And so Fr Galvin mentioned it is a must to attend the three days’ Easter Triduum to complete the cycle.

This sharing was to help members understand all that God has done for us through his Son, Jesus Christ, and to deepen their understanding of the process of dying and rising.

The whole sharing ended with the singing of the songs of devotion for reflection and closing prayer led by our Chaplain Jerome Lim, OCDS.


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