Kuching Mill Hill Family makes Retreat Pilgrimage to Kapit

Group photo at St Francis Xavier Church, Kanowit. (Photo: MHM Family)

Theme: “What Then Will There Be For Us?” (Matthew 19:27)

By Jane Tan

KUCHING — The Kuching Mill Hill Family travelled overland from Kuching to Kapit for a Pilgrimage cum Retreat from 20-23 July 2022.

The trip included one night’s stay in Kanowit while en route to Kapit, and a visit to St Francis Xavier Church and St Joseph Gallery. Members also attended Mass celebrated by Fr George Omuto, the rector, in the evening.

The next day, the party, feeling refreshed, made the journey to Kapit via Song and arrived at Mary Immaculate Conception Church, Kapit, the retreat venue. We were warmly welcomed by Fr Philip Obaso, and dancers in traditional attire.

The first day was marked by an Introduction talk (Fr Philip Obaso), group sharing, Talk 2 (Fr Albert Jacobse), Group Rosary, Holy Eucharist (Fr Philip) and finally Holy Hour with Fr Albert.

Rosary recitation at the Grotto of Mary Immaculate Conception Church, Kapit

Day 2 was another full day and started early with Holy Mass at 7.00 am celebrated by Fr Philip, after which we had Talk 3 by Fr Albert. After tea break we listened to Talk 4 given by Fr Philip followed by group sharing and silent personal reflection. In the afternoon we had Q&A group discussion.

In the evening, the group was treated to a sumptuous dinner which coincided with the farewell party for Fr Philip Obaso. Having served in Sarawak for the past 10 years, he is leaving Sarawak at the end of July 2022, for a new posting.

The long journey back to Kuching for our group started at 8.30 am after Holy Eucharist celebrated by Fr Albert and Fr Philip. After various stops along the route, the party finally arrived at Blessed Sacrament Church at 7.15 pm.

To sum up, participants in this pilgrimage/retreat were touched, enriched and inspired, and felt fulfilled spiritually and emotionally.

The mission of the Mill Hill Family is to support in prayer and financial costs the training of the Sarawak and Sabah Mill Hill seminarians. Currently there are two seminarians from Sabah undergoing training in Nairobi and India respectively.

Group photo inside Mary Immaculate Conception Church, Kapit

Post-retreat reflections from members

Below are some reflections, one even in art form by members following the retreat:

Dance with the wind. Dispel the heat. Dispel the tension. Ride on the wind. Let it loose, let it free, let it go. Refresh, recharge and renew. Ignite the light of hope and passion. This is revival.Joanne Lau

This place… where the answers to “What then will there be for us?” (Matthew 19:27) were said, shared and discussed.

This place… where we placed our hopes, a call to the unknown—”Why were we here? What were the challenges and what were our expectations?”

This place… where each one has his or her own cup, own uniqueness, own way of life—no comparison, no perfection but just being ourselves.

This place… where we could uplift each other and were taught about being silent to look into ourselves, to speak out and to put our missions into actions.

This place… where we received our reward(s) of being loved, blessed, inspired, enriched and fulfilled spiritually, emotionally and physically by Fr Albert Jacobse and Fr Philip Obaso and all Mill Hill brothers and sisters. ❤️

This place is Mary Immaculate Conception Church, Kapit.

May God bless our Mill Hill Missionaries and families all over the world. 🙏 ….Stella Bintang Banyang


You are unique.
For you are made so.

I am unique.
For I am who I am.

We are unique.
For though apart, we can be beautiful together.

They are unique.
For though different, we do appear the same in uniqueness to them too.

This retreat is unique.
What then is there left for us?
Come and See.

Each cup is unique.
Can we drink from this cup?
Lift the cup with reverence,
For it is for the Lord,
Who promised to us,
With Him, In Him and Through Him
We can.

This retreat is unique.
I feel the uniqueness.
I feel accepted.
I feel the warmth.
I feel love, patience and understanding.
Most uniquely,
I feel God.

Our God is UNIQUE…
Francis Ha


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