By Ivy Chai
KUCHING — Catholics in the vicinity of Kuching, Kota Sentosa, Kota Samarahan and Kota Padawan will once again be able to attend Mass at their local parishes starting this weekend.
The self-imposed temporary suspension of Masses effective 31 July has been lifted as Kuching has moved out of the COVID-19 Red Zone perimeter.
This action is timely as Catholics can now attend the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary at today’s (15 August) Sunset Mass, a Holy day of obligation.
Online Masses however, continue to be live-streamed for the faithful who are unable or exempted from attending a Church service.
Kuching Archdiocese Archbishop Simon Poh in his pastoral letter, urges all Catholics to adhere to the safety SOPs of Churches and public places. He calls on “Catholics and people of goodwill to live our Christian and social responsibility.”
“Always remember those who are suffering and be ready to give a helping hand,” he added, declaring that all the collection from the weekend Masses in all Churches on 15-16 August will be for the Beirut disaster relief work.