Archbishop Simon Poh condemns the act of terrorism in Sri Lanka

A relative of a victim of an explosion at St. Anthony's Shrine reacts outside the police mortuary in Colombo. (Photo: Dinuka Liyanawatte/Reuters)

KUCHING — 22 April 2019. Archbishop Simon Poh, the Archbishop of Kuching, has released a statement in the wake of the Easter bombings in Sri Lanka. The statement reads:

As I wish you Happy Easter, we are also saddened by the shocking news of the bombing and massacre of the innocent in churches and hotels in Colombo on Easter Sunday. For Christians, Easter Sunday is a very sacred celebration.

On Good Friday, Jesus died on the Cross, offering his life in a sacrifice of love. He died and was buried. So Easter Sunday celebrates Jesus’ Resurrection from the dead after three days. It is also the culmination of the 40-day period of Lent, a time of purification and repentance where Christians fast, pray and practise almsgiving to alleviate suffering and help the poor and needy. Thus Easter Sunday is always celebrated with joy, hope and life.

As such, the premeditated bombing timed to be on the sacred feast of Easter Sunday, both in churches and hotels, is to be strongly condemned. The killing of the innocent – children, women, families – especially at prayer is an atrocious crime against humanity. It is not so long ago that we are still haunted by the sad killing in Christchurch.

Together with the Association of the Churches in Sarawak, we have issued a statement condemning such violence and massacre, irrespective of race, creed or status. Today with our common humanity, inter-connected as one global human family, it is only appropriate that all spiritual leaders speak as one voice to condemn this terrorist act in Sri Lanka.

As the Archbishop of Kuching, I condemn such insensible killing of the innocents and extend our prayer solidarity with the victims and families.

Archbishop Simon Poh


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