KAYA 28 begins!

Participants all fired up and ready for KAYA 28. (Photo: KAYC)

By Fr Ramon Borja

KOTA PADAWAN — Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Apostolate (KAYA), now on its 28th season this 2020, is back. And it has begun in a simple but meaningful way today… especially with the celebration of the Holy Mass with Fr Felix Au, the advisor of the Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Commission, as presider, and with Fr Leonard Yap, Fr Pratap Baskey, Fr Robert Jissem, Fr John Direk and Fr Ramon Borja as concelebrants.

For those who are not familiar with KAYA yet, KAYA… is a youthful and holistic FAITH FORMATION for young people organised by the Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Commission – that the youth may experience Christ, get to know Him (not just things about Him) more deeply, love Him more devoutly and serve him more diligently. This leads the young to get to know and appreciate themselves better and be moved to live a life of service to others especially in the Church.

For this year’s KAYA, we have 130 young people who generously said ‘yes’ to this challenging but hopefully life-changing experience. Twenty of them serve as facilitators. They are all so admirable! They are now housed in St Lukas Centre from 13 January to 17 February. Five full weeks, and six for the volunteer facilitators. Wow! Big deal, right? All for Jesus! Kudos to our Kuching youth!

Join me in supporting them with our prayers, our praises and our presents. We appreciate any gift you would offer this cause. Food, drinks, cash, goods. Your generosity would be so appreciated.

May KAYA be a truly enriching experience to all these young people, to their families and dear ones, surely to our local church as well… and why not… to you too as you show your support.

After all, isn’t that what KAYA is? Richness… in God’s bountiful grace!

KAYA has begun. Never let it end without you getting enriched by it.


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