Jak Man Kolo Mee with Sister Delicia Klumai, SSFS

St Ann Parish Youth Ministers with Sr Delicia and their Jak Man Kolo Mee.

By Catherine Gabriel Lee

KOTA PADAWAN — Jak Man Kolo Mee with Sr Delicia Klumai, SSFS was a 2-day-1-night event held at Greccio Retreat House from 17–18 February 2024. It was a programme held for all youth ministers from five main zones under St Ann’s Parish, Kota Padawan to empower them in the psychological and spiritual aspects in order to boost their spirit in ministering and serving youth in their respective localities. There were 18 youth ministers gathered together for this heart-to-heart session led by Sr Delicia.  

Activities held were discussion and sharing with Sr Delicia, Taizé meditation and Sunday Mass celebrated by Fr Ramon Borja, SDB. One of the most interesting topics which touched each and every minister present was a session called “Let the unspoken wound be heard”. In this session, each minister shared their unspoken wound, by addressing how the Church has hurt them then naming it with an emotion.

This session made us realise that in many ways, we are actually related through our hurts, and that we are never alone in this world. Having a spiritual bandage may not be adequate to cover the emotional wound, however, a psychospiritual bandage is the best combination to address it. Being able to identify your emotional and psychological wounds, and what triggers you, will help you become a good leader in the future, because we must understand ourselves in the first place before we help others.

Sr Delicia also touched on coping mechanisms (healthy versus unhealthy). There were many coping mechanisms identified and they differ for each one of us. The ministers shared that listening to music, eating, sleeping, animal therapy, and cleaning were among their coping mechanisms. As long as it was not done excessively and not leading to disorder, we are still on the right track.  

In a nut shell, this was an awakening session for all of us and a great kickstarter event for the year 2024 for St Ann Parish Youth Ministers. Looking forward to a fruitful session like this in the future.


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