By John Wong
KUCHING — A 5-day Prophetic Intercession Training Course was held in Kuching from 21–25 November 2024, with the theme: “You did not choose me, but I chose you” taken from John 15:16.
The event was organised by the Archdiocesan Charismatic Renewal Team (ACRT) of the Archdiocese of Kuching at the ACCPC of St Joseph’s Cathedral.
A total of 102 participants attended the training, with most of the participants from Kuching. Some came from Bau, Betong, Bintulu, Miri, Sabah and Kuala Lumpur.
Chevalier Cyril John, an appointed member of CHARIS International Service of Communion, was the trainer for the whole training. He is also the Coordinator of CHARIS Intercession Commission, and has been travelling tirelessly all over the world to raise up prayer warriors who are called to be Prophetic Intercessors.
Each day began with ‘Intercessory Rosary’, Praise and Worship and Eucharistic Celebration. The whole programme included times for adoration, Sacrament of Reconciliation, ministering and baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The training over the five days covered teachings on topics like: The 4 Roles of the Intercessor, The Repentant Intercessor, Prophetic Intercession, Charisma – Tools for Effective Intercession, Intercession and Spiritual Warfare, Intercession and Mission.
The training ended with the final exhortation with the theme: “Abide in Me” (John 15:4), and commissioning of the prophetic intercessors.
Practical Workshops and Outreaches
Four practical workshops were conducted whereby the participants learnt to apply what they had been taught.
“Intercessory outreaches” were also held, whereby groups of intercessors were sent to various locations such as schools, a university, government agencies like the legislative assembly, court, police station, inland revenue board, utility boards, anti-narcotics agency and a hospital.
The various groups did not enter the premises of these institutions, but discreetly grouped or parked their cars in the vicinity of these institutions. They prayed, sought God’s revelations and intentions for these institutions and interceded accordingly.
Jericho Prayer March
One of the highlights of the training was the Jericho Prayer March. According to Joshua 6:1–27, the walls of Jericho fell after the Israelites marched around the city walls once a day for six days, seven times on the seventh day, with the priests blowing their horns daily and the people shouting on the last day. God promised that at the end of their seventh circuit around Jericho on the seventh day, the walls would collapse, and so it came to pass.
The Jericho Prayer March was held indoor at the Grand Hall of the ACCPC. The intercessors prayed, sought the revelations of God on the “walls” afflicting or dividing the people, communities, nations, the Church, the world and interceded as they marched under the guidance of Chevalier Cyril John.
Intercession as The Overarching Requirement
In his talks, Chevalier Cyril John pointed out that intercession is often overlooked, even neglected. Very often, leaders of Church organisations would view intercession as a role only for those who ‘lack’ talents or gifts, for example, for music, singing, teaching, or only for the elderly members.
The truth is that intercessory prayer is an overarching requirement for all ministries in the Church. In fact, it forms the bedrock of all Church ministries.

Feedback from Participants
Many participants were touched or pleasantly surprised by what they have learnt or experienced. Some of their comments were:
- There is urgent need for Prophetic Intercession.
- Helps quieten my mind and be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, revealing what I should pray for and how I should go about doing it.
- As a prophetic intercessor, I must abide in HIM; if I detach from HIM nothing can work!
- Empty yourself to hear God’s message.
- As an intercessor, I must pray without ceasing.
- The call for a deeper relationship with God.
- Gain knowledge on how to pray and connect with God. I found my gift during the training. God gave me vision.
- Intercession is mandatory for all ministries.
- The six steps of prayers and reciting of protection prayers.
- First-hand experience of the variety, beauty and power of the Holy Spirit at work, for the benefit of the faithful (Church).
- How to intercede. How to hear from God, what to pray and listen to God – i.e. let God lead instead of what our ego wants.