By David Hii
BATU KAWA — The installation of St Mark’s Church (SMC) Batu Kawa Main Committee was on 28 June 2024 during the closing of its Gawai Mass at 7.30 pm.
The Mass was presided by Archbishop Simon Poh who did the Installation and Blessing of the councillors, and concelebrated by rector of SMC Fr Felix Au, Fr Galvin Ngumbang, and Fr Paul Hu, CDD.
Fr Felix Au, in his closing remarks, reminded the committee it is important to work as a team and be committed especially when the SMC building development projects (residence and administrative office of priests, bell tower and classroom blocks) are in progress.
New SMC Main Committee/Office Bearers 2024-2027
Rector: Fr Felix Au
Asst. Priest: Fr Paul Hu, CDD
Chairman: Stephen Geri anak Ginung
Deputy Chairman: David Hii King Chuong
Secretary: Annie Teresa anak John Rasie
Treasurer: Lawrence Lau Hwa Sing
Committee Members:
- Angeline anak Bernard
- Anthony Candigo anak Dominic Kasir
- Alex Lam
- Bernard Chieng
- Clance Norito Issac anak Roling
- Cosmas Klumai
- David Chieng
- Elizabeth Jimen anak Naim
- Gilbert Sim
- Lendik Edmond anak Mawin
- Lily anak Bekoh
- Michael Jitin
- Nancy Kung Phek Lan
- Peter anak Dominic Kasir
- Thessolonica Chelsia anak Wenda
Among those present were Sacred Heart Church pastoral councillors and Sr Natalie from Thailand.
After Mass, a fun-filled singing and dancing, potluck dinner was organised at SMC hall participated by all celebrants, newly installed councillors and parishioners.