Holy Trinity English Sunday School ends Year 2023 with Baptism and First Holy Communion

The 17 children who received First Holy Communion during the Sunset Mass.

By Dr Margaret Chan Kit Yok

KUCHING — The last day of the English Sunday School classes in Holy Trinity Church, Kenyalang ended with Baptism and First Holy Communion. Officially, the school marked the last day of formal instruction on 1 October 2023. 

It was celebrated with parish rector Fr Eugenio Gocela Maglasang, SDB leading the Sunday School teachers, children and parents each holding an electric candle representing rosary beads into a darkened Holy Shepherd Hall. They prayed the five decades of the rosary with the Glorious Mysteries. The ‘Living Rosary’ prayer concluded with the last person entering the hall to close the loop of the human rosary. This was dedicated to the first day of the month of Rosary. 

Sharing session by altar server Raphael

Then Fr Eugenio addressed the congregation, reflecting on the grandparents and parents’ evangelisation responsibilities as being the forefront of the children’s faith formation on the synodal journey of the Church, as a pastoral subject. It was followed by Raphael’s sharing as an Altar Server. The farewell potluck was a great time of food and fellowship.

The nine baptised children

A week later on 7 October 2023, nine children were baptised in the morning while 17 children from Year 4 and above received their first Holy Communion during the Sunset Mass.


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