GE15 Message from Archbishop Simon Poh

Archbishop Simon Poh

“Pray, Discern and Cast your Vote according to your conscience before God”

Dear brothers and sisters,

Malaysia will be preparing our 15th General Election to elect the government on 19 November 2022. Some of the questions would be how the Church responds to politics and the role of each individual Catholic.

  • Churches are called to engage in issue-related activities but do not take part in partisan political candidates’ activities. Let us never allow partisan politics to divide our Church.
  • Each Catholic who is eligible to vote is to participate in the political process—by being informed voters, so as to elect officials who will act on behalf of the common good.

I would like to share the pastoral letters that I have issued as the Chairman of Association of Churches in Sarawak.

Prayer is our duty as Christians in Malaysia: “First of all then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” (1 Tim 2:1-2)

In a democratic government, the freedom to elect leaders through voting is the right of each citizen. To vote means to stand up and be counted. God has entrusted to us this stewardship to work for the common good of everyone.

We are NOT to simply cast our votes blindly or according to a candidate’s popularity.
Luke 3:10-14 John the Baptist preached against injustice, exploitation, corruption and greed.
Exodus 18:16-22 God asked Moses to select leaders with these qualities to govern his people.

Each Christian has to seek to be better informed on the vision of a candidate and respective political parties with these qualities:
✔ Capable and Competent
✔ Accountable and Transparent
✔ Trustworthy and person of Integrity
✔ God fearing person who seeks to do what is right before God
✔ Concern about the plight of the poor and those in need. “Share with the person who has none and whoever has food is to do likewise.” (Lk 3:12)
✔ Incorruptible and takes no bribe. “Collect no more than you are authorised to do.” (Lk 3:13)
✔ Does not take advantage of position to exploit poor and unprotected. “Do not extort money from anyone by threats or by false accusation, be content with your wages.” (Lk 3:14)
✔ Does not discriminate based on ethnicity, religion or social status
✔ Rejects religious fundamentalism and bigotry
✔ Protects harmony and promote mutual acceptance and respect

Seek the above qualities in our candidates. Each citizen is to vote according to one’s conscience before God. As religious organisations, ACS and Churches do NOT endorse any candidate or any political party. ACS exhorts church members to seek and elect godly leaders who will ensure the common good of all people of all races, religions and social standing in our nation.

While it is important that we demand such qualities from our political and spiritual leaders, let us remind ourselves of this double-edged sword. Christians are called to strive for these qualities as part of our stewardship and leadership in respective families, workplace and position of leadership that have been entrusted to us. May God bless Sarawak.

May the Holy Spirit grant us the wisdom and fortitude we need in choosing those who will represent us in Government. Therefore we urge you, stand up, uphold the common good of our nation, choose wisely, and may your vote be a blessing for tanahair Sarawak, the land of unity and harmony in our nation Malaysia.

+Archbishop Simon Poh
Archdiocese of Kuching


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