Gatherings during Lent

Photo: Empowered Ministry Kuching

KUCHING — During the lent season EMPOWERED organised a few gatherings where the youths came together on Friday evenings for a time of prayer, catch up and discussion.

On 18 March, about 20 youths came together to discuss and pray over the current events in their lives, the nation and the world. The youths started the evening with a time of praise and worship. Thereafter the youths chose a topic of their preference and went into groups of 3-4 persons to discuss on the topic before concluding with a prayer. The topics covered were politics, COVID-19 pandemic to endemic transition, student study-life balancing, work-life balancing, relationships and friendships.


The following Friday evening, a session on the Way of the Cross was held where the youths took turns to lead each of the stations. The prayer draws the youths into a closer relationship with Jesus as they reflected on each of Jesus’ significant step towards the cross, commemorating Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.


An interactive session themed on Holy Week, titled ‘What do you Remember?’ was held where youths had a light and laughter-filled but informative session on the days in Holy Week.

An interactive quiz game was organised that gathered many creative responses as well as information on Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday. Fr Galvin Richard Ngumbang also joined the session and provided liturgical insights on Holy Week.

As Easter approaches, the youths look forward to a meaningful Holy Week to celebrate the Paschal Mystery, the passion and death of Jesus Christ, his triumphant victory over sin and death and his glorification by God the Father.

Empowered Ministry Kuching


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