By Raymond Awap
MIRI — On 31 March 2024, Easter Sunday, the Holy Rosary Chapel in the Piasau Utara residential area in Miri became a full-fledged Church when the dedication was made by Bishop Richard Ng.
The Easter Day liturgical celebration began at 5.00 pm. The entire congregation gathered outside the main door. Bishop Richard began the ceremony with the opening prayer, followed by the cutting of ribbon at the main entrance of the Church, symbolising the official opening of the new Church.
He then led the entrance procession into the Church as the congregation followed, accompanied by the entrance hymn. Bishop Richard then sprinkled holy water to bless all parts of the Church and the people.
The Mass proceeded with special prayers and Bishop blessed the new altar with holy water and incensed around it. Glorious hymns of praise were sung.
About 300 people attended the celebration which lasted one and a half hours. The local community thanked and praised God for the growing numbers of faithful among them, which necessitated the little Holy Rosary chapel to be upgraded to a proper Church.
Immediately after the Easter Mass, the community had a thanksgiving fellowship gathering with the Bishop at the Church compound.
May all who enter these doors in faith find peace and joy. Amen.