Friar David Au OFM professes final vows as Franciscan

LIFELONG VOWS … Fr Paul Smith OFM (seated) accepting the vows professed by Fr David Au (Photo: Danison Manium)

KUCHING — The evening of 16 July saw St Joseph’s Cathedral filled to its capacity. Parishioners, including family and friends of Friar David Au thronged the cathedral to witness his solemn profession into the Order of Friars Minor (OFM).

Holy Mass with Solemn Profession into a religious order for men are not as common as ordinations to the priesthood celebrated in St Joseph’s Cathedral. Many might have come to satisfy their curiosity, but not without joy and well wishes and being one in prayer with Friar David. 

David, 43, born and bred in Kuching, is the youngest son of Simon Au and Marian Kit, and the youngest brother of Fr Felix Au. He joined the friars in 2010.

Also present were Friar Paul Smith OFM, the Provincial Minister of Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Malaysia, the Custos, Custody of St Anthony, Friar John Wong OFM, and 14 friars from Singapore and Australia.

After Friar David had confirmed his intention, Friar Paul Smith gave his homily. “Like Martha, you have been called to a life of welcome, hospitality and service. Like Mary, you have been called to sit at the feet of Jesus, to listen to him, to be inspired by him, so that you would be recognised by others as a person activated by the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” said Friar Paul to David, drawing from the story of Mary and Martha (Lk 10:38-42) which was the Gospel reading of that week.

“This evening is a public commitment, where David chooses to respond freely as a Franciscan religious by professing the vows of obedience, poverty and chastity as the core of his life, for the rest of his life,” said the Provincial. He explained that the vows (also called the three evangelical counsels) every religious has to take is not merely “fulfilling commands, blindly following rules and instructions”. Rather, “it is about listening to God through prayer and seeking direction through a personal experience with God” and “seeking the face of Jesus in the simple day-to-day encounters with ordinary people, especially the marginalised”.

Friar Paul continued to affirm David of the support of his Franciscan community, family and friends present that evening. He said David’s profession of vows served as a reminder to everyone present, religious and laity alike, that they too are called to “live the Gospel, to be activated by the spirit of the values of the Gospel and to follow in the footprints of Jesus as best we can”.

After the homily, the ceremony continued with Interrogation and the rite of Profession where David professed the solemn vows. After the Provincial Minister bestowed the Solemn Blessing, the friars lined up to give the newly professed a fraternal welcome while the bishops and priests congratulated him.
After thanking everyone, Friar David especially thanked his parents for their love, forgiveness and hope. “The day has come when your youngest son is truly happy,” he said. “His heart is truly at rest, resting in God”. A round of applause thundered.

The joyous occasion ended with a dinner reception for all present at the hall of Archdiocesan Curia and Cathedral Pastoral Centre.

Audrey Yu

See also the Interview with Friar David Au, OFM

Today’s Catholic Vol.28 No.5 August 2016


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