By Catherine Wan
KOTA KINABALU — On Jul 2 and Jul 3, newly ordained priest Fr Sylvester Wong presided the English Sunset Mass and the Chinese Mass respectively for the first time, which were concelebrated by parish priest, Fr Paul Lo.
Fr Sylvester, who hails from Sacred Heart Cathedral parish, was ordained a priest by KK prelate, Archbishop John Wong on Jun 24.
After his ordination, he will continue to serve as assistant priest at St Catherine Church Inanam, Good Shepherd Church Manggatal and Holy Family Church Telipok.
During his homily, he exhorted the parishioners to be like the 72 disciples being sent out to preach the good news. He preached “We too are sent into the various spheres of life, in the workplace or home or school to witness God’s love.”
He credited his priesthood vocation to the unceasing prayers and encouragement of his late great aunts, Sr Teresa Margaret Wong of the Sacred Heart of the Discalced Carmelite in Guam and Mother Ursula Wong of the Franciscan Sisters of Sarawak .
Born to Agatha and William Wong, he is the eldest among his siblings of five comprising two brothers and two sisters. He is the favorite grandson of his grandmother as he used to spend his school holidays with her during his childhood.
He left his career as an industrial Engineer, and offered his service to God and the Church.
In 2014, he entered Aspirancy and continued his priestly formation in St Peter College, Kuching from 2015-2021. He was ordained as Deacon 4 Dec 2021.
He was sent to St John Tuaran, St Peter Claver Ranau, St Herbert Song and St Catherine Inanam for his pastoral immersions. He was grateful to those involved in forming his priesthood but admitted that he is still ‘work in progress’.
Fr Sylvester Wong celebrated his first Mass at the Carmel chapel, the day after his ordination, Jun 25, with Fr Mattheus Luta, Fr Simon Lau, Fr Paul Wong and Fr Calvin Richard as his concelebrants.
He asked the parishioners for their continuous prayers as he begins his priesthood journey so that he can become a faithful shepherd after the Heart of Jesus.