Faithful unite in devotion at Solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Archbishop Simon Poh, Archbishop Emeritus John Ha and Fr Eugene Maglasang, SDB with Carmelite Sisters after the Holy Mass.

By Jerome Lim, OCDS

KUCHING — On the glorious morning of 16 July, a Solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel celebration was held, bringing devoted faithful together to honour and pay homage to our beloved Blessed Mother Mary.

As one entered the chapel, one could not help but gaze in awe at the stunning array of flowers adorning the sanctuary, reflecting the love and devotion given to Our Lady of Mount Carmel by the community. A beautiful altar, adorned with candles and flowers, became the central focus of the Solemnity, drawing all eyes toward its sacred beauty.

Archbishop Simon Poh, together with Archbishop Emeritus John Ha and Fr Eugene Maglasang, SDB led the Holy Mass for the community, delivering an inspiring homily that instilled a deeper understanding of the history of Carmelite and the hermits. Archbishop Simon reminded the faithful of the importance of our devotion to Mother Mary, emphasising the significance of Jesus’ last words on the Cross when He entrusted His mother into our care as our mother. He urged us to journey with Mother Mary, to learn from her humility and obedience, and to follow her example of living a life dedicated to serving God and others. It was a day filled with devotion, spirituality, and love.

As evening fell, the Carmelite Sisters led the faithful in an evening Vesper prayer, uniting us in a beautiful and prayerful celebration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The sacred chants of the Carmelite Sisters rang out with deep reverence, captivating our hearts and leading us into a profound state of contemplation and peacefulness, basking in the radiant love and grace of God. 

As each prayer was chanted, we could feel the divine presence of the Holy Spirit filling the chapel, enveloping us in a powerful atmosphere of faith, hope, and love. Our souls were lifted and we were all united in collective worship and adoration of our beloved Mother Mary. The evening Vesper prayers were nothing short of a spiritual awakening, reminding us of the incredible power of prayer, and the immense blessings that come from connecting with God through communal worship. It was an evening filled with pure spiritual joy and deep connection, leaving a profound impression on all who were present.

At the end of the Vesper prayers, members of the community came together to share a delightful spread of refreshments and engage in thought-provoking conversations about faith and their shared experiences with the Carmelite Sisters and Secular Carmelites. 

To continue the celebration, the entire community recited the holy rosary together. As we held our rosary beads in our hands, our hearts were filled with deep reverence and devotion to Our Lady. Each word of the rosary was uttered with conviction and love, as we expressed our boundless gratitude and reverence for Mother Mary. The profound sense of connection and holiness was palpable, as we were all united with one another through our shared love of prayer. We were reminded of the timeless wisdom and guidance that Mother Mary provides for us, and the ever-present love and grace that she showers upon us.

The TotusTuus: Totally Yours prayer was the highlight of the evening, as we gathered to fully surrender ourselves to God through Mother Mary. Led by Carmelite Sisters, the community uplifted sing-alongs with devotional hymns to our Blessed Mother Mary. As we all lifted our voices with a pure heart to the heavens, we felt a deep spiritual connection with God and Our Lady. The ethereal sounds of the Carmelite Sisters and the community singing in unison harmonised to create a truly sacred atmosphere that permeated the chapel. 

Roses for Our Blessed Mother Mary

During this time, we also reflected on the all-encompassing love and obedience that Mary showed to God throughout her life, how she humbly accepted her role as the mother of our saviour Jesus Christ and presented Him to the temple, fully accepting the will of God as prophesied by Prophet Simeon. Our hearts were touched as we pictured Mary cradling the lifeless body of Jesus at the foot of the Cross, renewing her offering of Him to the Father with these powerful words: “Here is my Son, offered up to You in death, for the salvation of all.” 

After the heartwarming and moving TotusTuus, each member of the community lined up to offer their prayers and place a rose into the sacred heart-shaped wreath dedicated to Our Lady. The sweet aroma of these beautiful flowers acted as a sweet plea to show Our Lady the affection and deep devotion of the parishioners to the Carmelites’ patroness. The offerings of flowers were symbolic of our love and devotion to Mary and our unwavering faith in her intercession.

The evening concluded with the offering of the scapular, a powerful symbol of Mary’s protection and guidance. Each member of the community received this symbolic garment, the Brown Scapular representing Our Lady’s commitment to be their guide and protector on their spiritual journey. It was a beautiful end to the evening, which left the community feeling grateful for the unending spiritual support that Our Lady gives us in every moment of our lives.

The celebration of the Solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel was made possible through the dedicated efforts of several people. The committee members, led by the OCD Nuns, worked tirelessly to organise the event, with invaluable support from Fr Ramon Borja SDB, OCD Seculars, Aspirants, musicians, and benefactors. Without their unwavering commitment, passion, devotion, and hard work, this remarkable occasion would not have been possible. Their efforts were a true testament to the power of collective action, and their dedication to honouring Mother Mary and bringing the faithful together is truly commendable.

The Solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel had an undeniable and transformative effect on the community. The day’s celebration served as a powerful reminder of the profound spirituality of the Carmelite’s dedication to prayer and service to God. It allowed us to reflect on the endless grace and guidance that Mary provides, emphasising the importance of prayer, devotion, and unwavering faith as we continue on our spiritual journey.

The sense of peace, hope, and love amongst the community was truly remarkable and left an indelible mark on our hearts and minds. This celebration reminded us of the powerful and transformative effect of faith, highlighting the beauty of Our Lady’s intercession and serving as an inspiration to nurture our spiritual lives and deepen our relationship with God.


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