Experiencing the Mercy of God in ‘FORGIVEN’


Being a cradle Catholic and brought up in a traditional family, going for confession was something we did as a ritual. I had never known the depth of this Sacrament of Reconciliation until now. There are so many feelings that I go through when I listen and take part in the weekly session.

Having a family, and losing my husband a year ago has brought a lot of trials and guilt feeling. Most of the time, I feel that I have not done my best and that makes me feel very down. And hearing that God is there, not only to forgive my sins but also to heal my wounds brings so much peace. It brings to light the gospel readings of God forgiving so many like David and St Paul from their sins. That gives me hope and trust that God will forgive my sins and heal me.

Sin can paralyse us and hearing the words spoken by the priest in Persona Christi (in the person of Christ), saying that ‘your sins are forgiven’ brings tears and joy to me. This sacrament is a visible sign of God’s mercy and love to his people.

We have to evangelise. I feel that this is our mission. I have been given this opportunity to talk about this to my family and then to my friends. God’s compassion in experiencing all our pains and anxieties that we go through, I know he is suffering with us. It is brought to light how I should read the bible more. Then to pick up the courage from the scriptural readings to make a good confession.

God has delegated this early mission to our priests and to experience and hear that my sins are forgiven is to me, the most beautiful gift a person can receive. I give you thanks, Jesus for bringing to light your mercy and forgiveness to your people.

The above is a heartfelt sharing by a lady who participated in the online formation of FORGIVEN. Like her, at certain points in life, do we not feel lost and alone, isolated in guilt perhaps? Like the Prodigal Son, knowing we have sinned. But we have a God who would not leave us in that state—he searches for us and runs to welcome us home in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

‘FORGIVEN’, a video based programme in FORMED, touched many as the 5-week series came to an end on the 5th Sunday of Lent. Organised by the Alpha-Formed Team of Kuala Lumpur and Kuching Archdioceses, this formation attracted over 100 participants. Archbishop Simon Poh of Kuching launched the online programme on the first Sunday of Lent via Zoom. He encouraged all those who signed up to persevere and to treat this as a home-coming experience.

What an experience it has been! FORGIVEN explores the grace and healing offered in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The sessions show us how this Sacrament reveals the depth of God’s love. By looking at God’s revelation of his mercy in Scripture and making a step-by-step examination of the Rite itself, FORGIVEN communicates God’s invitation to each one of us to come experience his indescribable love in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Another testimony was shared by a mother of three children.

“What a great gift God has given us during this Lent when we embark on FORGIVEN. At the back of my mind what is my main concern is the conversion of my own family, especially my eldest son. As a cradle Catholic, it puts a lot of weight on me. For the longest time ever, I had also been a lapsed Catholic.

My eldest boy is now in his mid-20s, he has been away from Church after he left school. Now that he has started working, all I can encourage him is to remember to say a little prayer daily. During this time, I always ask Mother Mary to come to my aid as this battle is too big for me.

Something happened, a miracle I would say, which I would attribute to Mother Mary. My eldest son told me out of the blue on Ash Wednesday that registration for Mass was opened and asked whether I would like to go. I asked if he was coming with me and he said yes. God gave a precious gift at this start of Lent as I recalled the days of old. It was my eldest boy and I going regularly for Mass.

Ever since I attend formation sessions, I no longer have any more interest in Netflix, K-dramas and so on. I would look forward to deepening my faith as I realise that while I pray for my son to come back to the faith, it is also about my own conversion. I am slowly being converted and I notice it in the way I handle family conflicts these days. I have two younger children, but now I am more prepared. Mother Mary has shown me there is hope, I trust her and the Holy Spirit. When I have no words to pray, I pray, ‘Jesus, I trust in You.’”

We heard many more conversion stories in this journey. Jesus is waiting for us at the Sacrament of Reconciliation. He is waiting for us to come home. Let us make our way back to him, even as we await the Easter joy of his Resurrection in the coming week.

Alpha-Formed Team


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