Embracing Grace: Blessing of St Bernadette of Lourdes Chapel, SK St Teresa

SK St Teresa’s Catholic teachers, staff and students with Sr Rose Wong SSFS, Fr Patrick Heng and Archbishop Simon Poh. (Photo: Nicholson Ryan Anak Nabau)

By Margaret A/P Sibooram Ginasar Ram 

KUCHING — The blessing of the new St Bernadette of Lourdes Chapel at SK St Teresa, Kuching on 20 July 2023 was a special day filled with joy and reverence. The chapel’s blessing was led by Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh who celebrated the first Mass with Fr Patrick Heng concelebrating. 

During the chapel’s blessing ceremony, Archbishop Simon Poh shared a heartwarming backstory about St Bernadette of Lourdes, highlighting how her life as a little girl resonates deeply with the primary school girls of SK St Teresa. Just like the young Bernadette who experienced visions of the Virgin Mary in Lourdes, the students of SK St Teresa were encouraged to embrace their own youthful innocence and purity of heart as they seek a closer connection with their faith and spirituality. 

Archbishop Simon Poh signing the Chapel Plaque
Chapel entrance

The story of St Bernadette serves as an inspiring reminder to the young girls that even in their tender age, they too can experience profound moments of grace and become vessels of God’s love and compassion in the world.

Located within the extension block built in 2014, the St Bernadette of Lourdes Chapel stands as a symbol of unwavering faith and hope for the entire school community. After careful consideration, a unit in that block was decided to be transformed into this sacred space, resulting in the beautiful creation of the serene chapel.

As a mission school with a rich history dating back to 1881, the addition of the St Bernadette of Lourdes Chapel marks a significant milestone in SK St Teresa’s journey. The chapel offers a special place for prayer, meditation, and reflection, strengthening the spiritual fabric of the school and inspiring students in their moral and academic paths.

As we embrace the presence of St Bernadette of Lourdes Chapel, let us approach it with renewed faith and purpose. May it shine as a beacon of light, inspiring all who enter to seek a deeper connection with God and to live lives of kindness, love, and service to others. Together, let us embark on a journey of spiritual growth, guided by the teachings of St Teresa of Avila and the divine grace that fills this sacred space. And as we gather to pray, let us remember the beautiful words of St Bernadette’s prayer, 

“O Holy Mary, my Mother,
into your blessed trust and special care,
I commend my soul and body every day
and in the hour of my death.” Amen.

Mdm Malini Anak Ebot, SK St Teresa’s Senior Administrative Assistant handing a token of appreciation to Archbishop Simon Poh on behalf of the school.

On this special day, we are grateful to Archbishop Simon Poh for his wise leadership and unwavering support. Our heartfelt appreciation also goes to Fr Patrick Heng for the spiritual guidance, Madam Morna anak Luhat Jok (SK St Teresa’s Headmistress) who has shown exceptional leadership, dedicating her time, energy, and unwavering support to transform this empty room into a beautiful chapel, Sr Rose Wong, Mr Anthony Anak Punan (Chairman of SK St Teresa PIBG), Mr Anthony Layan (former Headmaster of SK St Teresa Kuching), and to everyone who contributed to make the St Bernadette of Lourdes Chapel a reality, showcasing the spirit of unity within SK St Teresa.


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