Embracing Faith Across Generations: A Weekend of Prayer, Celebration, and Reflection

Youth procession with blue cloth symbolising Mother Mary.

By Peter Tan

SRI AMAN — On 28 July 2024, the Our Lady Queen of Peace (OLQOP) parish in Sri Aman experienced a historic and spiritually uplifting weekend. This special occasion saw the convergence of three significant celebrations, each adding its own layer of meaning and joy to the community’s faith journey.

The festivities began with the lively and inspiring Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Day (KAYD) programme, designed to engage and empower the youth. This was followed by the poignant and heartfelt observance of the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, honouring the wisdom and contributions of our senior parishioners.

The weekend culminated in a deeply moving Sunday Mass, which marked the closing ceremony of Bible Month, a period dedicated to deepening our understanding and love for the Holy Scriptures. This remarkable day was a testament to the strength and unity of the Sri Aman Catholic community, as generations came together in prayer, celebration, and reflection, receiving abundant blessings and strengthening their collective faith.

Praise and Worship

Saturday Night: Praise and Worship

The weekend’s celebrations began on a high note with a vibrant Saturday night Praise and Worship session. Themed “Jesus Answered: ‘It is written – Worship the Lord Your God and Serve Him Only’”, this event was a powerful reminder of our call to serve and worship God wholeheartedly.

Led by the dedicated youth of the Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM) of OLQOP, the evening was filled with spirited songs of praise, heartfelt prayers, and moments of deep reflection. The programme included participation from CYM Sri Aman, Youth Betong, Lubok Antu, and Saratok, along with parishioners from Sri Aman and Betong.

The energy and devotion of the young leaders inspired all attendees, setting a profound tone for the weekend’s events. The closing prayer, led by Fr Henry Jimbey, brought the night to a spiritually fulfilling conclusion, leaving everyone with a sense of peace and anticipation for the next day’s celebrations.

Blessing in conjunction with World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
Sunday School children singing presentation

Sunday Morning: KAYD Roadshow

Sunday morning brought a fresh wave of joy and anticipation as the KAYD programme continued. Before the Sunday Mass began, the Sunday School children graced the congregation with a beautiful rendition of a Bible song, their innocent voices uplifting everyone’s spirits. This was followed by a choral speaking performance by the students of the confirmation class, showcasing their growing understanding of the faith and their commitment to living it out.

As the Mass commenced, it was celebrated with a youth procession, during which the CYM brought a large cross into the church in preparation for the upcoming KAYD Roadshow. Fr Henry then took a moment to honour the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. In a touching ceremony, he blessed all the grandparents and elderly parishioners, acknowledging their invaluable contributions to the family and the Church. The heartfelt blessings and words of appreciation brought smiles and tears of joy, reinforcing the deep intergenerational bonds within the community.

Closing of The Bible Month

Handover of symbolic scroll by Fr Henry to MCC Chairman, Colin.

The Sunday Mass also marked the solemn closing of the Bible Month. During this ceremony, Fr Henry handed over a symbolic scroll to the MCC Chairman, Colin Anak Robert Lanuk. This act signified the formal conclusion of the month-long focus on Scripture but also served as a reminder that our engagement with the Bible should be ongoing.

In his closing speech, Colin emphasised that while Bible Month had come to an end, our commitment to reading and understanding God’s Word must continue. He encouraged all parishioners to keep their Bibles open and their hearts attuned to the teachings of the Scriptures.


The weekend of 28 July 2024 was indeed a historic and blessed occasion for the OLQOP parish in Sri Aman. Through the KAYD programme, the celebration of the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, and the closing of Bible Month, the parish community experienced a profound sense of unity and shared faith. This extraordinary weekend highlighted the strength and beauty of intergenerational connections, inspiring all members to continue their journey of faith with renewed vigour and devotion.


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