Elections for new Prioress and Councilors for Carmelite Nuns

The handing over of the book of the Constitutions and the keys of the monastery to the new Mother Prioress. (Photo: Carmelite Nuns of Kuching)

KUCHING — On Saturday, 23 May 2020, the Carmelite Nuns gathered in the Chapter Room of the Carmelite Monastery for the elections of their Mother Prioress and three Councilors. His Grace Most Rev. Archbishop Simon Poh presided at the elections, assisted by two scrutators chosen from among the nuns. Before the start of the elections, the entire community gathered before the Most Blessed Sacrament and the Veni Creator Spiritus (Come Holy Spirit) was chanted to invoke the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This was followed by the exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament, an hour of silent prayer and benediction.

A total of 11 Chapter nuns cast their votes in secrecy. When the new Prioress was named, the entire community was summoned to the Choir (oratory) to witness the confirmation of the new Prioress by the Archbishop. Then, the nuns sang the Te Deum in thanksgiving to God, and proceeded one by one to the new Prioress to pledge their obedience with an embrace and the kissing of the scapular.

The elections for Prioress and Councilors take place every three years. According to the Constitutions of the nuns, the Mother Prioress is a major superior and the Councilors are to assist her in a spirit of unity. Although entrusted to the vigilance of the Archbishop, and subject to him in all that concerns the Church’s teachings, the Carmelite Nuns retain their autonomy in matters concerning their internal governance and community life.

These are the new office bearers for the next triennium:

Mother Prioress:         Sr Jovita of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

1st Councillor:             Sr Margaret of St Joseph

2nd Councillor:            Sr Marie Evelyn of the Mother of Sorrows

3rd Councillor:            Sr Dominica of the Blessed Trinity

Carmelite Nuns of Kuching (Order of Discalced Carmelites/OCD)


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