The Archdiocese of Kuching is organising a 3-Day Divine Lenten Healing Retreat with Fr. Michael Payyapilly V.C. of the Divine Retreat Centre, Colombo, Sri Lanka and Fr. Joseph Kannampally V.C., the Regional Superior of Andhra Region of Vincentians.

Theme: “Behold I Am Making All Things New” (Rev. 21:5)
Date: 24-26 February 2023
Time: 9:00AM-8:30PM (24-25 Feb) | 9:00AM-2:30PM (26 Feb)
Venue: Grand Hall, ACCPC, St Joseph’s Cathedral Kuching
Closing Date extended to 19 February 2023.
To register, click this link:
The registration fee
for ALL participants from ST STEPHEN PARISH BAU
– shall be paid by our PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL
( I, David Disam : am responsible )