By Ivy Chai
KUCHING — A total of 52 youths aged 16-18 years from St Peter’s Church, Padungan attended a Life in the Spirit Seminar (Youth LSS) from 13-16 May 2022 via Zoom.
It was organised by the Faith Formation for Children (FFC) from St Peter’s Parish in collaboration with the Teaching Ministry of Emmaus Servant Community from Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC to prepare the Sunday School students for the sacrament of Confirmation.
10 youths from batch 2020 who had their Confirmation deferred because of the pandemic will be the first batch of confirmands next month, on 5 June.
Format and Topics for the Seminar
The online seminar was specifically tailored to include small ‘Breakout Rooms’ facilitated by Emmaus and St Peter’s FFC so participants could get to know each other as well as share their experience on the topics that had been presented to them.
The Talks comprised topics on God’s Love, God’s Plan, Sin and Effects of Sin, Jesus Saviour and Restorer, Repentance, Inner Healing, Who is the Holy Spirit?, Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and New Life and Growth.
Members from the Emmaus Teaching Ministry who presented the Talks were Pauline Lim, Christina Eng, John Wong, Thomas Ngu, Adeline Bong, Ivonson Kwee, and Ivy Chai.
Sunday School teachers from St Peter’s Parish who assisted as facilitators for the breakout rooms were Kattelia Shim, Jane Chiong, Georgina Wong, Deborah Raphael, Faith Au, Susanna Phang and Keith Yong, together with some members from the Emmaus community.
Fr Vincent Chin, Rector of St Peter’s Church joined the seminar briefly to bless and give words of encouragement to the participants, especially to be open to receive the Holy Spirit.
Testimonies and Feedback
On the last day of the seminar, the students were asked to share their ‘Before and After’ testimonies, and to complete feedback forms after the seminar. Below are some comments of their experience taken from their ‘live testimony’ (screenshots) and from feedback forms.

- I was clueless and scared. Now I am happy, relaxed and want to know more about God. God is by my side no matter what. God will always be with us.
- Before going to LSS I don't like to go to Mass. After LSS, I feel nice and holy. I went to Mass again. I will continue to go to Mass.
- Before LSS, stressed and confused. After, relaxed, calm and ready to be embraced by God’s love.
- I am part of God’s plan and I have to learn to give Him priority in order for Him to work wonders in my life. I cannot disappoint Him.
- Before, I was casual with God. I only went to church because I was told to. After LSS, I love God even more and now talk and pray to Him more often.
- Used to start the day with chores to be done first. Now starting the days with praying to God first.
- Was busy chasing the demands of the world. Now slow down and put God in my life.
- I learned a lot from this LSS. I learned that sin can block the blessing of God. I learned about God’s love, forgiveness, and protection.
- I felt miserable and lost in life since I did not know what’s God's plan. After LSS, I feel that I am closer to God and that’s one of God's plans.
- Think that it’s an “of course” for God to help us. Now, realise that God is willing to help us for our own good.
- Did not like to respect parents. Have been good at respecting parents since following Sunday School and LSS, which have brought me closer to Jesus.
- Did not understand much about the Holy Spirit. Felt the presence and power of the Holy Spirit at LSS.
- Was feeling quite stressed and restless especially with exams soon. Now, a weight has been lifted off my chest, I feel lighter and know God will guide me and be by my side. I feel a bit more at ease.
- I did not have much self- confidence. Now, I have much more confidence to do things that I didn’t have confidence to do before.
- Never felt good enough. Now know He loves me in spite of my failure. Found Peace in my Heart and realise that we are All wonderfully Made.