Confirmands told not to ignore the calling to serve God

Confirmands with Archbishop Simon Poh and Fr Patrick Heng, 8 October, 2022. (Photo: Peter Chai)

By Ivy Chai

KUCHING  38 Sunday School students comprising 27 from the English session and 11 from the Chinese session, received the Sacrament of Confirmation on 8 October 2022 at the BSC Sunset Mass celebrated by Archbishop Simon Poh, with parish rector Fr Patrick Heng con-celebrating.

Among the youths aged 16-17 years, was an RCIA candidate. The confirmands from Level 10, had been preparing for their confirmation under the guidance of English class faith formators Juliana Teng and James Noik, and Jenny Bong from the Chinese Sunday School.

In his homily, Archbishop Simon Poh told the confirmands that when he makes the sign of the cross on them with Chrism oil and say, “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit,” the seal of the cross would keep them safe.

“Our life is to reflect the love of God in our hearts. Today, I ask the Holy Spirit to come to you,” he said. The Holy spirit would help them to discern wisdom, to understand what God is trying to tell them, to guide them in their future decisions, and to help them face life’s challenges.

The prelate also told the confirmands that they should not ignore the calling to serve God.

Archbishop Simon Poh anoints a confirmand with Chrism oil.

A fellowship meal was held at the BSC Hall after Mass for the students, organised by the parents and faith formators.

A confirmand receives his Certificate of Confirmation from Archbishop Simon Poh. Looking on is Fr Patrick Heng.

The 38 confirmands also received their certificates of Confirmation from Archbishop Simon at the fellowship.


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