By Catherine Wan

KOTA KINABALU As in the past, it is the norm that catechists, helpers and facilitators serving in the catechetical ministry renew their commitment of service on Catechetical Sunday.  

Two hundred catechists and helpers (three languages) from Sacred Heart Cathedral (SHC) and the Church of Mary Immaculate (CMI) turned up for the special Commissioning Mass arranged by parish priest Fr Paul Lo on Jan 23 (The Word of God Sunday) at Sacred Heart Cathedral, although Catechetical Sunday 2022 falls on the following Sunday, Jan 30.

Prior to the commissioning, they attended the recollections conducted in the respective languages the previous weekend in order to prepare for the commissioning, and to recommit to serve in Sunday Faith Formation or RCIA for another year.

The video clip on the message of Catechetical Sunday with the theme “Family Life – a path to holiness’ was presented before Mass. The parish priest also gave a short briefing on how the rite of commissioning was to take place.

For the Mass, the first reading and responsorial psalm were proclaimed in Bahasa Malaysia, while the second reading was proclaimed in Chinese and the Gospel in English. The choir was formed by seven teenage helpers serving in the English Sunday Faith formation.

In his homily, Fr Paul underlined that through baptism, we, who become the children of God, are entrusted with the mission to spread His good news of salvation and love to children, young people and those desire to join the Catholic Church.

He added, like Jesus who was led to the wilderness by the Holy Spirit after baptism, the catechists went through recollection before they were commissioned for the mission of Christ.  

As pointed out by Fr Paul, the catechists are teachers listed as the ministers of the Word of God in the second reading (I Cor 12: 12-30). 

Besides the Bible, the Catechism of the Catholic Church provides the main resource for the teaching of the Catholic faith.

After homily, the catechists and helpers were invited in turn for the rite of commissioning as they renewed their commitment to enter into a closer relationship with the Lord who reveals Himself in the Word and in the Eucharist so that they could convey the message of Jesus by making His presence felt to the learners through their words, actions and lives.

Fr Paul blessed their pledge of commitment by raising his right hand towards them as they stood up during the rite.

Before concluding, Fr Paul expressed his joy in seeing so many volunteers coming forward to serve in the catechetical ministry and exhorted them to serve with joy for the Lord would reward them Himself for their commitment in serving with abundant blessings.

He also spoke of the hope to arrange for a Mass to be followed by fellowship gathering  to honor the feast day of St Robert Bellarmine on Sep 17, the patron saint of  Catechists.

Catholic Sabah


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