CMCO further extended to 14 February with updated SOPs

ACS Chairman Archbishop Simon Poh

By Ivy Chai

KUCHING (31 Jan) The State Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) today reported 135 new COVID-19 infections with one fatality in Sarawak.

The return of another wave of the pandemic in the state, and Malaysia’s health ministry lately reporting a rise in daily COVID-19 cases to the tune of 5000, have resulted in a further extension of Sarawak’s Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) to 14 February. New SOPs have been released in relation to social activities, gatherings and funerals.

Chairman of the Association of Churches in Sarawak (ACS), Archbishop Simon Poh, has recommended that the latest SOPs be widely circulated to all Church leaders throughout Sarawak, especially in the villages and longhouses.

This is seen as supplementing the efforts of the community leaders and village security and development committees (JKKKs) “towards the common aim of flattening the infection curve and preventing new clusters.”

Archbishop Simon Poh had in earlier calls to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus, reiterated the lack of medical facilities in rural communities, hence the importance and necessity to take every precaution to further prevent the spread of the infection to these villages.

Related Posts: CMCO: Kuching Archbishop exhorts strict adherence to Church SOP / SDMC implements even stricter SOPs for funerals, other social activities


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