By Catherine Wan & Agnes Ramday
KOTA KINABALU — Pope Francis has advocated that everyone should get the COVID-19 vaccine, calling it an “ethical option” performed not only for one’s own health, but for the “love of others”.
Three weeks after receiving the first dose, some 20 clergy and 20 “cloistered” Carmelite nuns, led by Kota Kinabalu Archbishop John Wong and Archbishop Emeritus John Lee, completed their participation in the government’s planned vaccine program to halt the spread of the virus in receiving their second dose Jun 9.
The KK prelate thanked the medical team for their special efforts in arranging for the vaccination program to be made possible at the Carmelite Monastery for the clergy and nuns. He commended them, referring them as “angels who serve selflessly“, and blessed them.
He cautioned the faithful to “stay home, stay safe and stay healthy”, and advised them on their response to the vaccination program. “If you are being called for vaccination, just go. If you have not registered yet, please do so. Love yourself, and love others.”
Meanwhile, Vicar General Msgr Primus Jouil, who also received his second jab, advised the faithful not to be overanxious about roadblocks should they encounter them on their way to the vaccination center. “Just show your vaccination card and you will be allowed to go for your appointment,” said Msgr Primus, who was stopped at a roadblock on his way to the monastery. As for the vaccination, he opined that we should not be too worried to receive the second jab and its accompanying side effects.
Concerned for the low vaccination rate in the State, Fr Johnny Raju, assistant priest of Holy Nativity Church in Terawi, sought to assure the faithful that “the vaccine is a gift of God, just as medicine is for every sickness; and that taking the vaccine is indeed a step to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus”.
With the understanding that the vaccine is the key to achieve herd immunity as a way to halt the spread of the coronavirus, parish priest of Sacred Heart Cathedral, Fr Paul Lo strongly encouraged all eligible parishioners “to exercise their responsibility to help to build up herd immunity by responding to the government planned vaccination program”. He urged “Please register with the government vaccination program, so that together we achieve herd immunity to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus.”
Acknowledging the vaccination program implemented by the government, he expressed gratitude to the government in making the vaccination registration accessible to all.
Also present to receive his second dose, assistant priest of the Cathedral parish Fr Joshua Liew added his urgent sense on the current low response to the vaccination program. He urged parishioners, especially those who are COVID vaccine-hesitant, to take up their responsibility and to register in the vaccination program, taking every precaution to make sound judgment in their confrontation with many anti-vax aggressions and disinformation that are readily available in the internet.
To step up the vaccination rate, Dr Tee Wen-Li, who led the mobile team to administer the second jabs for the clergy and nuns at Carmelite Monastery, informed that PKKKK has offered mobile service for homebound individuals. Please contact JKN at 088-512555 or PKKKK at hotline: 012-4965694 to avail of this service. All eligible recipients of the vaccine must register themselves first at MySejahtera, or register at the nearest health clinic.