Church adds Infant Care Room to ensure a prayerful atmosphere at Mass

KUCHING — Blessed Sacrament Church now has an Infant Care Room. Built as a special room within the main Church, it was completed recently.

Parents with infants or young and active children, who may at times, distract Mass proceedings with their cries, are encouraged to remain in this room. This ensures a prayerful atmosphere when Mass is celebrated.

At a simple ceremony to bless the Infant care room on 31 May 2019, Church Rector, Fr Felix Au expressed the need for children to develop their individual gifts, as well as their moral, mental and physical powers, in order to reach Christian maturity.

He prayed for God’s blessings for the room to be a place where young infants, their parents and carers, may experience the fountain of God’s grace flowing into them.

He prayed that during Holy Mass, the words from the Holy Scripture proclaimed in the liturgy, may in mysterious ways, be sown to stir life in the hearts of all who enter the room.

In sprinkling holy water to bless the Infant care room, Fr Felix called on the Lord to sanctify the room as a hearth, a place of safety and grace for infants, young children and all who enter it.


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