Christmas 2023: Message from Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh

Archbishop Simon Poh

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

Blessed Christmas. I greet you with the words of the angels to shepherds watching the flock in the field in the deep of night: “I bring you news of great joy, a joy to be shared by the whole people. Today in the town of David, a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:10-11) 

For the world, Christmas is a time of festivals and holidays. In December, shopping malls are decorated with Christmas trees and glittering lights, Christmas Sales and Santa Claus. In a way, we are thankful to the world for creating such festive Christmas atmospheres, and especially giving gifts and assistance to those in need.

This was what attracted me as a young boy in primary school even before I became a Catholic. I enjoyed the open house visits to Catholic families in my neighbourhood. Later, I learnt that Christmas is the birthday celebration of a baby called Jesus who was born in a stable 2000 years ago. I loved listening to Boney M who popularised Christmas with the song and lyrics, “Long time ago in Bethlehem, so the Holy Bible says; Mary’s Boy Child Jesus Christ was born on Christmas Day”.

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with ME

At Christmas, God offers his peace to everyone of good will, from all races, cultures and social status in society. Joy, hope and peace are very much needed today.  This is especially so when the whole world is just recovering from the deadly pandemic.

Now, headlines of wars from Gaza, Ukraine, Myanmar and many other nations dominate the news. We hear of so many conflicts, tension, intolerance, economic competition, ecological disasters – fire and flood as a consequence of our ecological sins and greed, leading to climate change and more sufferings in the world. And the poorer nations, the needy, widows and orphans are the people who suffer the most.

Now, as we approach Christmas and the coming new year 2024, I exhort everyone not to be held hostage by fear, nor give way to despair. I invite all people of good will and friendship to pray and work together, hand-in-hand, for peace and harmony in our land and the world. Let us embrace the message proclaimed by the angels at the birth of Jesus:“Do not be afraid.” (Lk 2:10)

Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace to all people of good will … (Luke 2:14)

God wants to send us forth as Christ’s ambassadors for peace, hope and good will. We are to seek out people with goodness in their hearts and promote peace in our fragile world, society, in the classroom, workplace and families. Let not our hearts be burdened with unforgiveness and prejudices. Neither should we hold grievances nor harbour violent thoughts toward others as these will lead us to utter angry, judgemental and demeaning words toward our neighbours. 

Christmas isn’t Christmas, till it happens in your HEART

Let us take some time this Advent to be reconciled with God, to examine, purify and renew our hearts “for it is out of the heart comes evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.” (Mt 15:19). Let us prepare room in our hearts for Jesus so that his peace and mercy may dwell in our hearts.

Jesus is the REASON for Christmas

Christmas celebrates God’s unconditional love for humanity. For it was without counting the cost, our Lord was born in a humble stable so that Jesus may share our human frailty, suffering and joy. Jesus is Emmanuel – God with us. (Mt 1:23) 

As we celebrate Christmas, let us pray, remembering all who are suffering because of conflicts and wars. Let there be peace and unity in families, nations and the world, unity among Christians and harmony among all peoples of good will, and in particular, for peace and stability in Malaysia.

It is only when we have this sincere desire to love our neighbours and make sacrifices, to help and share with those in need, that our Christmas Open House, our Christmas tree and decorations, the exchanging of presents with one another, become more meaningful and contribute towards a better world and society. May we share and give generously to those in need from the many blessings and gifts that God has provided us.  

Christmas is the season of CARING and GIVING

God gave us the precious GIFT of his beloved Son Jesus. It is with this gratitude that we share God’s blessing with one another. Christmas is the season of giving because we have been blessed with the GIFT of JESUS.

At Christmas, Christians and people of good will – are called to make the same sacrifice of love by giving of our time and money to help those in need. We share Christmas joy, hope and light to those who are lonely, anxious and in despair.

I would like to appeal to everyone to always remember families, the elderly and those who are in need, living amidst us in our neighbourhood. Let us be ready to give a helping hand to bring the hope and joy of Christmas to them.

May we embrace the message proclaimed by the angels at the birth of Jesus, “Do not be afraid” and let us give praise to God, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace to all people of good will.”  

God generously gave his Son Jesus to humanity. This Christmas, may the HOPE, PEACE and JOY of our Lord and Saviour remain with our families.    

+ Archbishop Simon Poh 

Click HERE to read the Archbishop’s message in ALL languages.


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