By Christ the King OCDS Community
KUCHING — On 3 March 2024, we joyously celebrated a significant moment in the Christ the King OCDS community!
Laurena Liew and Mae Liaw embraced their commitment by professing the Temporary Promise to strive for evangelical perfection “in the spirit of evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty, obedience, and of the Beatitudes, according to the Constitutions of the Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites, for three years”, marking the beginning of their journey as Carmelites. Special thanks to their formators Melissa Chong and Alice Chew.
Amidst this auspicious occasion, a new council was elected for a three-year term under the guidance of Spiritual Assistant Fr Philip Tay, OCD from Seremban.

The new CTK Council office bearers:
President: Eunice Gan
Formation Director: Cynthia Lim
1st Councillor: Michael Then
2nd Councillor: Janet Ling
3rd Councillor: Robert Lim
Secretary: Mae Liaw
Treasurer: Anna Wong
Together, may they lead and nurture the community in the spirit of love, faith, and service.