Chrism Mass celebrated in Sandakan Diocese

By Evelyn Jock

SANDAKAN — The celebration of Chrism Mass was held on Wednesday, March 9 at the Cathedral of St Mary. Rt Rev Julius Dusin Gitom, Bishop of Sandakan, celebrated the Mass after the clergy recollection.

Chrism Mass is celebrated annually during the season of Lent, where the priests renew their vows and the oils used for anointing during the Sacrament of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Order and the Extreme Unction are blessed by the bishop.

In his homily, Bishop Julius shared that the COVID-19 pandemic had changed the lives of the faithful and that society, as a whole, is beginning to adapt to life with the virus. The liturgical celebration of the Church during Sunday Masses and the liturgical rites during this year’s Easter Triduum will continue to be celebrated with limited physical participation of the faithful while others would have to follow all the liturgical rites virtually.

Bishop Julius also stated that although the churches have opened, there are still many restrictions and SOPs that have to be observed. He explained that the celebration of the sacraments such as infant baptism, marriages and confession could only be conducted by appointment with the priest, and subject to a COVID-19 test.

He mentioned that the virus had struck at the very heart of the ministry of the priests, curtailing outreach to the peripheral areas of the diocese, visits to the hospitals, the elderly, the sick, and the dying and hindering them from drawing closer to the bereaved families. Bishop Julius urged all the priests to be courageous and continue to be zealous in their ministry, and to draw strength from the inexhaustible grace of God. He also encouraged them to continue to be servants of the Gospel and to undertake this ministry of love. He stressed that despite the uncertainties, difficulties and frustration, priests need to reaffirm their vocation to the priesthood, renew their promises and commitment and thus find strength from the Lord to move on, and refresh their resolve to serve the Lord’s flock.

“The Chrism Mass reminds the priests of their core ministry to be stewards of the mysteries of God and that they are ordained to offer the Holy Eucharist for the redemption of God’s faithful and the world. The priests celebrate this holy sacrifice of the Lord daily, to enhance and strengthen their resolve to serve the Lord.

“It is unusual to serve Mass with very few people. Even with very few people in the celebration of the Eucharist, the sacrifice of the Mass continues to be effective in their lives. The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Church’s activities and certainly our Christian life, as mentioned in the Sandakan Diocese’s Vision and Mission statement. The Chrism Mass also reminds the priests that they are ordained as shepherds and the Synodal process currently practised in the parishes and diocese. They are a part of the universal Church, delegated by Christ to shepherd His flock. Therefore they also know that they are to be the catalyst of unity, encouraging the people to journey together, to learn and to listen to one another. In this way they strengthen each other in their journey towards God. In a moment of crisis like this, the calling as priest remains strong, said the prelate.

Bishop Julius thanked the priests for all that they have been doing and that, under the most difficult circumstances, they had continued to be faithful and did their best to serve the people of God. He also thanked the faithful for their prayers throughout the years. He asked the faithful to continue to pray for the priests to remain strong, committed and faithful to their calling. He urged everyone to move on together and to ask the Lord to accompany them in their journey. 

Catholic Sabah


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