26th August, 2024
The Christian Federation of Malaysia (CFM) wishes all Malaysians a Selamat Hari Kebangsaan and Hari Malaysia 2024. CFM joins all fellow Malaysians in this national celebration with deep gratitude to God for the peace, harmony and prosperity that we continue to enjoy especially in this Post Covid era.
This year our nation celebrates 67th Hari Kebangsaan (Merdeka Day) and 61st Hari Malaysia (Anniversary of the Formation of Malaysia) under the theme of “Malaysia Madani: Jiwa Merdeka.” CFM welcomes this vision for the creation of a just and inclusive society in Malaysia through the concept of “Madani Malaysia.” CFM hopes this vision is embraced and realized by and at every level of society.
Respect and Trust which are two of the six main core values promoted under Malaysia Madani that must be pursued if this vision is to be realized. By enhancing respect amongst us we will be creating greater trust and confidence in our unity and togetherness that has been the hallmark of this nation over the years. It is therefore important for everyone and all parties to cultivate and instil the culture of mutual respect for the diversities and values found in many of our cultures and creeds prevailing in Malaysia.
Today, we are living in a time where we are facing various challenges within, and externally – various geo-political conflicts and diversions regionally and internationally. To overcome these challenges, it would require concerted effort
by all parties to preserve our attained liberty and cohesion we seek. Let us work as one and pray for God’s blessings to be upon our King, Rulers, and Government as they lead our nation into greater freedom as expressed in “Jiwa Merdeka.”
Let us therefore celebrate our diversity building further upon the respect and trust that we have inherited from our founding fathers and ensure that this is passed on to the future generation of Malaysians.
Selamat Hari Kebangsaan and Hari Malaysia!