Catholic Bible Study at Holy Trinity Church

Participants attending Catholic Bible Study at Holy Trinity Church.

By Perpetua Phang

KUCHING — Holy Trinity Parish continued its series of Catholic Bible Study and it chose a study on the Book of Hebrews which started on the 19 June 2024 with the enthronement of the Bible ceremony. The study concluded with fellowship and celebration on 7 August 2024. There were more than 80 registered participants from various parishes in Kuching.

The Book of Hebrews provided a valuable insight into the relationship between the Old and the New Covenants and highlights the unique grandeur of Jesus’ priesthood and the superiority of the New Covenant. The study took the participants through a series of sessions to show how Jesus is the fulfilment of the Old Covenant and the mediator of the New Covenant and how the priesthood of Jesus is superior to the Levitical priesthood as Jesus is a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.

The study highlighted that the movement from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant is one from imitation to participation. It was explained that Moses built the temple in accordance to the instructions given to him by God (Exodus 25:9) which was an imitation of the heavenly but in the New Covenant, with Jesus as the Bread of Life, the new manna from Heaven and His presence in the Eucharist, we truly  participate in the heavenly right here on earth and participate in the heavenly now. It is no longer just an imitation of the heavenly.

Here are what some of our participants said, when asked how the study on Hebrews had impacted their journey of faith:

“It has allowed me to fall in love all the more deeply with the Lord in the Eucharist. Understanding typology also shows that we are in the continuous journey into the heavenly Jerusalem and we get to experience literal heaven on earth at each Mass. This study makes me love my Catholic faith all the more and with that desire that all may experience God sacramentally, hence as in 1 Peter 3:15, to always be ready to make a defence when anyone asks me of the hope that is in me.”

“I have always known that the Sacrament of the Eucharist is sacred. But after this bible study, my views about the Mass and the Eucharist have changed. I now experience the sacredness and the significance of the Mass and the Eucharist.”

“That the Mass and Eucharist is heaven on earth, and when we know we are participating in this heavenly liturgy, we can appreciate the Mass and Eucharist more.”

“Not a superficial but a deeper understanding of the readings and how sacred the Eucharist is to us.”

“I go more in-depth into scriptures and fully appreciate the breadth and depth of what God's love and what He has done for me.”

“It give me a better understanding of the relationship between the Old and the New Testament. Better understanding of the meaning of the sacrifices and the Eucharist.”

“I now understand the New Covenant from GOD. How it was planned from the time of Adam to the period of the Golden Calf and now to the sacrifice of Jesus, the Lamb of God.”

On the whole, the series of Catholic Bible Studies at Holy Trinity Church since 2011 has been well-received by the participants, leaving them yearning for more opportunities to be able to learn and grow together in their faith journey.


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