A huge stained-glass image dedicated to St Joseph, Patron of St Joseph's Cathedral, sits atop the entrance to the Cathedral. (Photo: SJC)

By Ivy Chai

KUCHING Over the weekend of 19-20 March, St Joseph’s Cathedral Parish celebrated the 53rd Anniversary of the Solemn dedication of St Joseph’s Cathedral.

In his homily on 19 March, the Solemnity of St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Archbishop Simon Poh invited the community to thank the Lord for the newly renovated and refurbished Cathedral. The Church had sought the intercession of St Joseph for the works carried out over the past two years.

Photo shows Archbishop Simon Poh (centre) with Mass concelebrants (left-right) Fr Galvin Ngumbang, Archbishop Emeritus John Ha, Fr Mark Bonchol and Fr Benard Bujang beside the consecration plaque, 19 March 2022. (Photo: SJC)

At the live-stream Mass on 20 March, Archbishop Simon began with blessing prayers for the unveiling for public veneration, the beautiful newly installed image dedicated to St Joseph, patron saint of the Archdiocese of Kuching, and sister diocese, the Diocese of Miri. Also, the patron of the Mill Hill Missionaries who brought the Catholic faith to Sarawak and Sabah in 1881.

The huge stained-glass image of St Joseph sits atop the entrance to the Cathedral.

Fr Galvin Ngumbang blessing the stained glass image of St Joseph, 20 March 2022

“When the Church blesses a picture or statue and presents it for public veneration by the faithful, it does so for the following reason – that when we look at the representation of those who have followed Christ faithfully, we will be motivated to seek the city that is to come; that we learn the way that will enable us most surely to attain complete union with Christ; that as we struggle along with our earthly cares, we will be mindful of the saints, those friends and co-heirs of Christ who are our brothers and sisters and our own special benefactors; that we remember how they love us, are near us, intercede ceaselessly for us and are joined to us in marvellous communion,” the Archbishop explained.

Celebrating 5th Anniversary as 3rd Archbishop of Kuching

20 March also marks the date of Archbishop Simon Poh’s fifth anniversary as the third Archbishop of Kuching.

“Five years ago, Archbishop John Ha handed me the crosier which symbolises a Shepherd’s staff, thereby passing on the responsibility to shepherd the archdiocese,” the Archbishop revealed.

He humbly asked for prayers near the cathedra (seat of the archbishop) where he stood, saying this was the exact spot he received the crosier from Archbishop John Ha on 20 March 2017.

Archbishop John Ha passing the crosier to the new Archbishop, 20 March 2017. (TC File photo)

In expressing his thanks and gratitude, especially during the past two years of pandemic, the prelate said, “It is God’s compassion and love that we are able to continue to offer Masses, to celebrate Masses to worship God and pray for the people, offering the sacraments and faithfully carrying out burials for departed loved ones, the works of mercy, charity and food aid to families and those in need throughout this time.

“We come into this Mass with gratitude and thanksgiving to God for our God is a God of compassion and love.”

Archbishop Simon Poh posing beside the newly refurbished lectern, 20 March 2022

Archbishop Simon Poh also blessed the refurbished lectern which had been repurposed from wood salvaged from old pews.


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