Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

By Peggy Goh

KUALA LUMPUR — There has been a leap forward in catechising children as young as three years old by some churches in Malaysia in the adoption of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) since 2013.

CGS — named after the parable of Jesus, the Good Shepherd — is a Montessori approach to the religious formation of children between 3-12 years old. CGS was developed in Rome by Sophia Cavaletti, a Hebrew and Biblical Scholar, and Gianna Gobbi, a Montessori Educator, in 1954. Today CGS is available in more than 60 countries of different cultures and economic background.

CGS is rooted in Scripture and Liturgy, with an aim for the child to establish a close and lasting relationship with God. In CGS, the Catechists do not teach. Rather they are there to guide the child in self-discovery. The Holy Spirit is the teacher. The CGS motto for the child is “Help me to fall in love with God by myself”.

It is with this in mind that the Kuala Lumpur Archdiocese Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (KLACGS) is organising two formation in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) in May/June 2020. The two formation are: Level 1 Part 1 from 23-28 May 2020, and Level 1 Part 2 on 30 May-4 June 2020. The Level 1 Part 2 formation is eligible only for participants who have completed the Level 1 Part 1 formation. The formation will be conducted by Anne Diamond and Marie Fernandez, CGS Formation Leaders from Australia.

The 5½-day formation is for adults to know the methodology and knowledge of the underlying principles of CGS. They explore with participants the religious potential and religious needs of the 3-6 year child in relation to general development characteristics of the child.

The formation provides an opportunity for the adult to be formed spiritually and intellectually in Scripture and Theology, and the Spiritual Development of the child through the themes of Level 1 curriculum. They offer guidelines and assistance to those setting up the atrium or learning environment for the 3-6 year old child; and how to prepare “album pages” and material making.

If you wish to be a CGS catechist, the formation will deepen your own journey towards God and guide you in catechising children. If you are a parent, they will enable you to journey with your child, if your child is attending CGS. The formations are intensive and captivating.

You are invited to participate in the two formations. The contact person for CGS formation is Auselia (Tel: +6012 809 2908).

*NOTE from Editor: In Sarawak, the first CGS in Mandarin has commenced at the Holy Trinity Church at Kenyalang Park Kuching. For further details, please contact Jessica (Tel: +6016 816 5005).


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