Bunan parish celebrates feast of St Jude

Archbishop John Ha and Fr Jerome welcome by Langgi dancers

BUNAN — On every 30 October Bunan Parish would celebrate St Jude’s feast. This year the celebration began as early as the first week of October with the Novena to St Jude. Participating Kampungs were divided into zones for ease of preparation of refreshment for fellowship after the Novena.

The Novena prayers comprise the rosary, praise and worship, followed by talks on Family sent on Mission. One of the talks was allocated for the new translation of liturgical prayer. After the talk, the Novena prayers continued with the Litany and prayers to St Jude.

Procession with St Jude's statue

Day 8 of the Novena was fixed at St Joseph’s Chapel, Muara Ahi which is about 1 km away from St Jude’s Church. St Jude’s statue was carried in procession from the Chapel and the rosary was recited by the participants until the statue arrived at St Jude’s Church. Prior to the procession, hymns to the Virgin Mary were sung.

On 29 October, the Eve of St Jude’s Feast, games were organised. Each kampung sent a team of ten people to participate. In the evening of the same day everyone came together for the 9th Novena at Leopold Memorial Centre. The Novena prayer was cut short to make time for Bible Reading Competition and Bible Quiz Competition for students of Year Five and Six.

At his closing speech His Grace Archbishop John Ha remarked that he was happy to hear that all Bible Reading Competition participants read the text translated in Bukar Sadong well. On the Bible Quiz Competition he said that all participants know the Bible well except for a few tricky questions which made them hesitate when giving answers. He commended the good work of the catechists and lauded the priests for organising the competition.

The climax of the celebration was the Holy Mass which was concelebrated by His Grace Archbishop John Ha and Fr Jerome Juleng. From the presbytery the Archbishop joined the procession by the new parish councillors of Bunan and Tebedu. On reaching the church they were welcomed by the Langgi Pingadap and Langgi Birekat dancers.

The Liturgy was partly said in Latin as the Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Pater Noster, and the Agnus Dei were sung by the community. The Archbishop officially installed and blessed the new Parish Councillor during the Mass.

A potluck fellowship lunch held at Leopold Memorial Centre concluded the event.

Dunstan Eldine


Published on 20 March 2012 @ 1:00 pm


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