Bishop Joseph Hii: God has set apart Priests to serve the people

Priests from the Diocese of Sibu gathered to celebrate Chrism Mass on Wednesday night at Sacred Heart Cathedral. (Photo: Sibu Soccom)

By Diocese of Sibu Social Communication & Mass Media Team

SIBU Bishop of Sibu Right Reverend Bishop Joseph Hii said God does not make people to be just human, but to be Christ-like people.

In his homily during Chrism Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral on Wednesday night, he said people had been promoted to become followers of Christ through baptism.

“That is our promotion, that is our dignity now.  However, that dignity does not mean that from now on, we are all important than other fellow human beings and other religion.

“This dignity that we had received through anointing; through the Holy Spirit that empowers us is the honour to serve,” he pointed out.

He pointed out that Christians would be more blessed with the opportunity to serve.

Hii also said that God has set apart priests to serve the people.

“As priests, it is not that we have higher position than all of you, but it is our honour to be able to serve all of you, to serve the whole of humanity and to serve the whole of creation,” he said.

Catholics come together to pray for the priests during the Chrism Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral on Wednesday night. (Photo: Sibu Soccom)

He also thanked the Sarawak government for allowing missionaries from overseas to enter Sarawak to serve in the diocese for 10 years.

He said this policy is only being practised in Sarawak.   Thus, he hoped that the Sarawak government would continue with such policy. 


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