By Ivy Chai
KUCHING — The Kuching Archdiocesan Pastoral Council (APC) held its 33rd Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 28 September 2024 at St Mary Function Room, ACCPC.
The AGM commenced with a Mass presided by Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh at the Holy Family Chapel.
In her Opening, which also included her Farewell address, APC Chairperson Christina Eng touched on the recently completed Sarawak Regional Pastoral Assembly in Sibu. She voiced her concerns on the youth, young families and “the need to help young parents be the first formators for their children.”
Thanking Archbishop Simon for appointing her chairperson in 2018, Christina wished Archbishop Simon and the council “the very best to bring the Archdiocese of Kuching forward to Malaysian Pastoral Council (MPC) 2026 and beyond.”
Archbishop Simon Poh in his communication, thanked Pope Francis for the transformative journey of synodality, conversion and mission of the Catholic Church in Sarawak. He said it is time to “move forward after coming out of the pandemic in 2021.”
Commenting on the recently completed first Sarawak Regional Pastoral Assembly in Sibu, Archbishop Simon said it was “a humble beginning of unifying the leaders and communities from the three dioceses together seeking for our common uniqueness, strengths and multi-racial traits that will transcend our identity as ‘a Sarawakian Church exemplary of its ingenuity, resourcefulness, simplicity and progressiveness.’”
The assembly was part of the synodal journey towards MPC2026. In “our pursuit of having One Malaysian Catholic Church,” Archbishop Simon posed two questions: “How prepared, willing and committed are we as a parish in moving forward as mission disciples? What does it take for us to be that disciple?”
The dissolution of the 2021-2024 APC Executive Board Office Bearers to pave the way for the election of the new Chairman, Vice Chairman and Honorary Treasurer took place after the presentation of Annual Reports by the various Commissions, Committees, Ministry and Treasurer.
The list of new Office Bearers for the Archdiocese of Kuching APC is as follows:
President: Archbishop Simon Poh (Archbishop ex-officio)
Deputy President: Msgr William Sabang (Vicar General ex-officio)
Chairman: David Disam (Elected)
Vice Chairman: Aloysius Lai (Elected)
Secretary General: Bernadine Sammy (Appointed)
Honorary Treasurer: Felix Kong (Elected)
2. COMMISSIONS (Appointed)
Commission for Mission & Human Development – Chairman: Fr Davie ak Entalai
Commission for Youth – Chairman: Fr Ramon Borja SDB
Commission for Bible & Faith Formation – Chairman: Msgr William Sabang
Commission for Christian Family Life – Chairman: Paul Wong
Committee for Vocation – Chairman: Fr Robert Jissem
Committee for Faith Formation – Chairman: Fr Lazarus Swinie
Committee for Social Communications – Chairperson: Ivy Chai
Committee for Creation Justice – Chairman: Friar Nelson Evarinus Sipalan OFM
Ministry for Deliverance & Exorcism – Chairman: Fr Don Don Romero Ramerez OFM
- St Joseph’s Cathedral, Kuching (Fr Nicholas Ng) – Aloysius Lai / Paul Wong
- St Peter’s Church, Padungan / OL Star of the Sea Church, Bintawa (Fr Vincent Chin) – Joseph Wong / James Jonik
- Blessed Sacrament Church, BDC (Fr Leonard Yap) – Pauline Lim / Dr Bernard S.Jussem
- 4. Holy Trinity Church, Kenyalang (Fr Eugene Maglasang SDB) – Felix Kong / Jackson Lee
- Chapel of Mother Mary, Stutong (Msgr William Sabang) – Jude De’Rozario / Roger Ung
- Sacred Heart Church, Kota Sentosa / St Mark Batu Kawa (Fr Felix Au) – Harry Kwan / Peter Rijia Bisen
- St Ann’s Church, Kota Padawan (Fr Don Don Ramerez OFM) – Judas Ligon / Magdalene Ajang
- St Stephen’s Church, Bau (Fr Peter Liston) – David Disam / Jesse James
- Holy Spirit Church, Lundu (Fr Adrian Kho) – Allen Manium Engang / Amot Johit
- St Theresa’s Church, Serian (Fr Lazarus Swinie) – Anthony Taguk / Wilson Banyui
- St Jude’s Church, Bunan Gega (Fr Arockiam Prince Carneelyes CMF) – Simon Joseph / Paul Diye
- OL Queen of Peace Church, Sri Aman (Fr Jerome Juleng) – Colin Robert Lanuk / Leo Dennis
Sisters of St Francis of Sarawak (SSFS) – (Superior General) Sister Rose Wong
The AGM concluded with a blessing from Archbishop Simon Poh.