Newly ordained priests, Fr Henry Jimbey (left) and Fr Davie Entalai (right), 10 Oct 2022, St Joseph's Cathedral Kuching. (Photo: Danison Manium)

“Here I am the servant of the Lord” – Luke 1:38

By Shannon Wei

KUCHING It was a joyous double celebration on 10 October 2022 when the Archdiocese of Kuching welcomed two new priests into the presbyterium – Fr Henry Jimbey and Fr Davie Entalai.

Fr Henry, 49, was born in Bau, Sarawak to Stephen Jimbey anak Nyaim and Monica Nona anak Jacob. Before joining the seminary, he was a secondary school teacher.

Hailing from Simanggang, Fr Davie was born to Edwin Entalai anak Chuwat and Catherine Enta anak Lanjat. He turned 38 in March 2022, and was a health inspector before answering the call to the priesthood.

Their sacerdotal ordinations, celebrated at St Joseph’s Cathedral, were attended by excited parishioners, relatives, seminarians and religious.

Witnesses travelled from as far as Sri Aman and Lundu, where the newly ordained served during their time as deacons, as well as Kota Kinabalu where they spent their seminary Initiation Year.

Those unable to attend physically shared their joy via the Archdiocesan YouTube and Facebook channels, which featured an exclusive interview of them by the Kuching Archdiocesan Youth Commission.

The celebration began with a procession as the presbyterium headed towards the Cathedral from the old Parish Centre accompanied by the sound of drums and gong-beating.

This was followed by a traditional dance performance before Mass, celebrated by Archbishop Simon Poh.

Archbishop Simon: “Continue to exercise His office of Teacher, Priest and Shepherd”

After the Gospel reading, Archbishop Simon led the Rite of Ordination at the front of the altar.

Rite of OrdinationElection of Candidates

The two elects responded with a sign of reverence, after which they were welcomed with applause from the congregation.

In his homily, the Archbishop reminded the people of God of the ministry of the newly ordained – “to serve Christ, by whose ministry, the Church, is built and grows into the people of God.”

“For He Himself sent His Apostles into the world, so that through them and their successors, the Bishops, He might continue to exercise His office of Teacher, Priest and Shepherd.”

And to the candidates, he reminded them to allow what they Teach be nourishment for the people of God, to carry out their Priestly duties with constant joy and genuine love, and to always keep their eyes before the example of the Good Shepherd.

The elects then made their promises before God and His people, after which they prostrated for the Litany of Supplication, sung by the whole Church.

One after the other, the Archbishop laid both hands over the elects, reciting the Prayer of Ordination. He then anointed the hands of the newly ordained with Holy Chrism oil, as they knelt in front of him.

Fr Peter Liston, rector of St Stephen’s Church Bau, assisted Fr Henry in putting on the stole and the chasuble. At the same time, Fr Jerome Juleng, rector of Our Lady Queen of Peace Church Sri Aman, assisted Fr Davie.

The parents of the newly ordained then presented gifts of bread and wine to the Archbishop.

Archbishop then placed the paten and the chalice in the hands of the newly ordained, who knelt before him. Then he gave them the fraternal kiss, offering his peace.

At the Mass presided by Archbishop Simon, Frs Henry and Davie concelebrated their first Holy Eucharist with Archbishop Emeritus John Ha, Msgr William Sabang, and brother priests from the Archdiocese of Kuching and Kota Kinabalu.

“Rare” Double Ordination in the Kuching Archdiocese

In his closing address, Archbishop Simon shared: “Today is indeed a double celebration, a double happiness and joy for St Peter’s College and the Archdiocese.” He added that “It is indeed rare for our Archdiocese to have two ordinations together.”

The Archdiocese celebrated its last double ordination in 1995, when Frs Patrick Heng and Richard Ng (now Bishop of Miri) were ordained together.

Expressing his gratitude, Archbishop Simon presented gifts to the parents of Frs Henry and Davie, for offering their sons as labourers for His vineyard.

He also gifted each of the newly ordained, a copy of Ave Maria by Pope Francis and a set of car keys, after they signed their Certificates of Ordination.

Fr Davie: “All Thanksgiving and Praise to God!”

In his concluding speech, Fr Davie shared that he felt humbled, “that even to this point of time, God is still gracious and provides,” as he moves into his life of pursuit. “All thanksgiving and praise to God, whose love and grace has been poured unto us today!”

Although he feels anxious about the future, he looks forward to work and toil in God’s Vineyard, not alone but with the Church, and he requested for prayers.

At the same time, he took the opportunity to promote vocation discernment and awareness. “Vocation is a gift from God and I have received this gift from Him.”

“I would like to share it with everyone and I also hope that parents and young people may be able to consider religious life as a way of life. Consider and take this into discernment in your heart.”

Fr Henry: “A day that we will never forget”

“I am truly filled with happiness, joy and wonder,” Fr Henry shared in his closing speech.

He was overwhelmed by the presence of sincere support and love, to see familiar faces who visited from across the Archdiocese and beyond.

The feeling of wonder, he explained, was towards the grace and love of God, and His calling to him to join the priestly life. He also expressed wonder towards Blessed Mother Mary, who, through the rosary devotion, he felt constant affirmation and a deepened love to serve Christ.

“I could feel the presence of her accompanying me throughout my journey, up to today. That is why both of us chose the phrase, ‘From her vineyard, I am the servant of the Lord’ as the theme for our ordinations.”

“Being ordained in the month of the rosary, it is not by chance,” he added.

Similar to Fr Davie, he also shared his advice on answering to God’s call, “To you my brothers and sisters who have desired to become a priest or religious sister, hear my advice: do not be afraid.”

“Even though I was one of them, jangan takut. Because our Lord has promised us, I am here with you.”

In their speeches, both Fathers thanked their families and everyone involved for their support, and to the Archbishop and priests, for their insights and words of encouragement throughout their journey in spiritual preparation for the occasion.

After their closing speeches, the newly ordained placed their hands over the heads of their parents, blessing them. They also surprised their mothers with bouquets of flowers before the Mass ended.

Moving forward, Frs Henry and Davie will continue serving their respective ministries at the Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace, Sri Aman and Holy Spirit Church, Lundu.

With brother priests at the ordination. Front row (left), Msgr William Sabang, Fr Henry Jimbey, Archbishop Simon Poh, Archbishop Emeritus John Ha, Fr Davie Entalai.
Newly ordained Fr Henry and Fr Davie with their parents.


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