By Ivy Chai
KUCHING (16 May) — The COVID-19 pandemic rages on unabated around the world, particularly India where news of “as many as 92 priests and one seminarian have died of COVID-19 since April 10” was recently reported by Matters India online.
The Malaysian Catholic Bishops’ Conference (MCBC) have requested for help for India. Archbishop Simon Poh at the Sunday English Mass live-streamed from St Joseph’s Cathedral, announced that Archdiocese of Kuching will contribute the e-collections from the three Sunday live-stream Masses today, to India.
“We can make a difference for others, beginning from where we are,” he said, adding that although we may be struggling financially, “there are many others who may be struggling much more than us.” The Archbishop believes that “when we give in love and in faith out of our poverty, this will make a difference for those people that we have managed to assist.”
Trust in the Lord’s Providence
In quoting (2Cor 9:8) “God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work,” and (Phil 4:19-20) “May God supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory forever and ever,” the prelate exhorts everyone to trust in the Lord’s providence.
He believes in sharing the little that we have “so that God in his goodness will supply the needs of others as well as to bless us so that we still have more than enough to share and help those around us.”
Catholics and well wishers can contribute towards the donation (16 May – 22 May) via the SarawakPay app or online banking. (see details below)

The Malaysian Catholic Bishops’ Conference will repatriate all donations to India on behalf of the Catholic Churches in Malaysia.