Archbishop Simon Poh leads Palm Sunday procession

Archbishop Simon Poh carrying branches of palms in the procession into Jerusalem. (Photo: Hobart Kho)

KUCHING — Christians all over the world celebrate the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.

Archbishop Simon Poh presided at the combined English/ BM 9.30 AM Palm Sunday Mass at St Joseph’s Cathedral on 14 April 2019. The celebration commenced with the blessing of palms at St Peter’s College Seminary square located behind the Cathedral, where hundreds had gathered.

The crowd was told that the Lenten period of alms giving, prayer and fasting was over. It was time to herald the coming of the King.

Young and old, many people thronged the pathway to the Cathedral, holding palm branches in their hands to be blessed.

At the end of the Gospel reading, Archbishop Simon led the procession to welcome Jesus into Jerusalem. He was joined by Archbishop Emeritus John Ha with the church elders, altar servers, wardens, the choir and parishioners waving their palms, chanting and singing ‘Hosanna! Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!’ 

The Cathedral which was decorated with palm fronds from the entrance to the pillars inside, was packed to capacity and overflowing.

After a narrative of His Passion which reminded parishioners of how Jesus suffered, died and rose again, Archbishop Simon described the celebration as both sorrowful, and joyful.

Archbishop Simon presiding at the Palm Sunday celebration with Archbishop Emeritus John Ha concelebrating. (Photo: Hobart Kho)

In his homily, the Archbishop described the palms as a symbol of welcoming Jesus. He came riding on a donkey, fulfilling the prophecy of the coming of a king, a saviour, riding on a donkey.

The donkey represents peace, so he urged the congregation to welcome Jesus as their prince of peace and pray for the grace to follow Jesus faithfully.

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, a sombre time of the church. Christians are to reflect and to take up their cross and follow Jesus to Jerusalem.


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