By Audrey J Ansibin
KOTA KINABALU — The chief shepherd of the archdiocese here, Tuesday, ordained Wilson Francis as a Deacon in front of some 150 priests, religious, guests and parishioners held at the St Simon Catholic Church Likas.
Archbishop John Wong said, if he recalled correctly, it was the first such ordination in the history of the archdiocese that had to be scaled down due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
In view of the health protocol, the prelate in his brief speech congratulated Deacon Wilson “for his courage and generosity to come forward to ask to be ordained a deacon”.
Archbishop John also thanked Wilson’s parents for their faith and support towards their newly-ordained son, adding that the blessing is shared by the family as well.

He also thanked the rector of the parish, Fr Cosmas Lee, and the community for supporting Deacon Wilson during his pastoral immersion there.
“I’m sure Wilson has learnt a lot of pastoral wisdom over the past year or so,” he said, adding that the well-organised Diaconate Ordination held at the parish would help to encourage more vocation among the young people.
“In the course of all this, may the seeds of vocation fall onto some young men as well as women in this parish.”
Deacon Wilson, meanwhile, expressed his heartfelt appreciation to God for His grace.
“If it were not for His grace, I will not be ordained here in St Simon Church Likas in this current situation of the pandemic,” Deacon Wilson said, also thanking the prelate for ordaining and accepting him to receive the holy order.

“This is not the end. This is only the beginning,” he said after thanking all those involved in the ordination ceremony.
“There are still a lot of things that need to be done. I still have a long way to go. For that, I humbly ask for your support and prayer so that I can be a faithful minister in serving God and others.”
At the end of the ceremony, the head of the Parish Pastoral Council chairperson Anne Wong handed over a token of appreciation to Deacon Wilson.
Also present were Deacon Wilson’s parents Francis Binteh and Mariana Gabpai as well as siblings Joviania, Lawrence, Flora and Eric.