Archbishop John Ha’s Christmas Open House

Representatives from different churches and faith posing with Archbishop John Ha (centre)KUCHING — On 25 December, thousands of people thronged the residence of His Grace Archbishop John Ha to celebrate Christmas with each other over a sumptuous buffet meal. The crowd consisted of Archbishop Ha’s close family and friends, priests, staff of Archbishop’s Office, members from various Archdiocesan communities and ministries, Catholics and non-Catholics, and other well wishers. Also present was the well known Dr John Fozdar from the Baha’i Faith. Everyone enjoyed the special fellowship.

The Open House ended at 1.30 pm. His Grace thanked everyone who came and those who have contributed in one way or another towards the Open House.

 Audrey Yu


  1. saya bersyukur menjadi umat katolik.saya baru memeluk agama kristian.sebelum ini hidup saya kosong tapi sekarang terasa tenang.saya percaya kepada jesus kristus.


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