A wounded Church seeking reconciliation

JOHOR — As part of the Diocese of Malacca Johore’s 50th anniversary celebration, parishes in its three vicariates held a communal Holy Hour themed “Reconciliation and Healing,” on March 9, 2022.

Bishop Bernard Paul in his weekly address said, “in preparation for the MJD50, we recognise that our journey began in 1511. We carry a history of joys and sorrows, and victories and defeats. A wounded Church of wounded and hurt people, needing reconciliation with God, with the priests and with one another. The recollection service is that time to acknowledge our hurts, forgive each other, and heal the Body of Christ.”

The service, which ran concurrently in all parishes, was aimed at bringing the community together. It is with the hope that this can contribute conditions for a new and better future where all can continue to flourish and live in the freedom that comes from being a child of God.

For as Scripture tells us, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light.” In this service, with the affirmation of all participating in it, we acknowledge the darkness, but we recognise that it is more important to acknowledge, welcome, and spread the light.

Herald Malaysia Online


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