A transformative seminar for Montfort youths

The youth with Sr Retta Savarianan fdcc during one of the sessions.

By Brian and Christina Lazaroo

SELANGOR — Montfort Boys Town (MBT) was buzzing with energy and excitement, on the weekend of March 11 and 12, as approximately 50 young individuals from MBT and the Montfort Girls Centre gathered to participate in a transformative seminar on St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body for Teens.

The two-day event provided a safe and nurturing environment for participants to learn, grow, and ask questions about their bodies, faith, and relationships.

The seminar was carefully designed to cover essential topics, such as Created for Love, Free, Total, Faithful and Fruitful Love, Vocation, Dating with a Purpose, and Purity. The organisers aimed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of the beauty and value of human love and relationships, as seen through the lens of Catholic teachings, particularly those of St. John Paul II.

Throughout the seminar, the students displayed a remarkable level of engagement, actively participated in discussions and asked insightful questions. Their curiosity and openness to learning demonstrated their commitment to personal growth and eagerness to embrace the teachings of the Theology of the Body.

The event emphasised the importance of understanding our bodies as sacred gifts from God, created for love and connection. Participants were encouraged to reflect on their personal experiences and relationships, to foster a deeper appreciation for the gift of life and the powerful role they play in nurturing healthy and fulfilling relationships.

The session on vocation was particularly impactful, as it invited the young people to consider their unique calling in life and how they could share their gifts and talents with others. This topic resonated with the participants, inspiring them to think critically about their life purpose and the role faith plays in guiding their decisions.

The seminar also addressed the challenges of navigating relationships in today’s fast-paced and often confusing world. The topics on Dating with a Purpose and Purity provided practical advice and guidance on how to approach dating and relationships with intentionality, acknowledging one’s body as a gift, and a strong commitment to one’s faith and values.

The seminar’s success is a testament to the importance of providing young people with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the complexities of life and relationships from a faith-based perspective. We hope that these students carry the lessons learned during this seminar with them throughout their lives, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for the beauty of the Theology of the Body.

Herald Malaysia Online


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