A Pentecost Prayer: ‘Come Holy Spirit, renew the face of the earth’

Archbishop Simon Poh

Seeking to love God and neighbour in the face of COVID-19 pandemic.

By Ivy Chai

KUCHING (22 May) Catholics all across the globe will complete their 9-Days Novena to the Holy Spirit today, in preparation for a powerful outpouring and infilling of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday tomorrow.

Many online novenas this year carry an urgent petition to beg God for mercy for humanity, and to save the world from COVID-19 by his divine intervention.

Other petitions include protection for our priests, religious, frontliners and all our loved ones against the virus in the meantime, and to prepare the Church for a new Pentecost.

Archbishop Simon Poh’s message for Pentecost

Archbishop Simon Poh completed his second dose of COVID-19 vaccine on Tuesday, 18 May. In his message for Pentecost, he appeals to all Catholics, Christians and friends to always consider seriously the principle of common good of others, saying we have often come across the one liner ‘God Is Love’.

Catholic Archbishop Simon Poh, Archbishop Emeritus Peter Chung (centre), and Anglican Bishop Danald Jute after their second COVID-19 vaccination, 18 May 2021.

“Indeed our God is a God of love who reveals a love that is always outward flowing and expressed with concern for the good of the other person. ‘In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.’ (1 John 4:10-11)

Love is more than a feeling for at its very essence, true love always desires the best for the other person. This is concretely expressed in words and actions that are manifested in unselfish ways to benefit and bless others. Making sacrifice is always part and parcel of loving. ‘It is obvious that there is no greater love than to give up one’s life and to die for another person.’ (cf John 15:13)

If anyone says, ‘I love God’ and hates a brother or sister, that person is a liar; for one who does not love a brother or sister whom one can see cannot love God whom one has not seen.  Jesus’ commandment to love God and neighbour is this: ‘Whoever loves God must also love one’s brother, sister and every person.’ (cf 1 John 4:20-21) 

In view of the rising COVID-19 cases that are increasing in Sarawak, Malaysia and throughout the world, all of us are under the moral obligation to ensure the safety and well-being of others. Keeping the commandment to love God and our neighbours requires these obligations and sacrifices of love:

1.  Comply with safety SOPs. When in the public, wear masks and maintain social distance of 1-meter or more to protect others.

2.  With the Gawai celebrations and holidays, let us make a decision and offer up our sacrifice of love by not travelling back to our hometown or home village. By minimising points of contacts, we are helping to protect our loved ones.

3.  At the same time, let us be committed in using the new media to keep in touch and be in constant contact with our elderly parents, siblings and children who are unable to be home. “Jauh di mata tetapi dekat di hati.”   

4.  Vaccination of the population is aimed to expedite herd immunity and eradicate a sickness or disease in a society. After considering this matter and should you find no objection in your conscience, then get registered for vaccination to protect the people around you.

5.  In this time of oversaturation of news and with many fake news and cures, be prudent and wise. Do not simply post or forward news without verifying.

6.  Hospital Blood banks have also alerted the public on their low supply of blood. Donate blood to save life.

7.  Give and donate money to charity (e-Collection, CWS, SSVP and reputable charities) to alleviate suffering and poverty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters.

8.  Give a listening ear to comfort family and friends who have been adversely affected by COVID-19. Console those who have lost loved ones.

9.  As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, mediate and pray unceasingly for the whole world. Implore divine intervention to an end of the pandemic.

10.  Be people of hope amidst the gloom of the COVID-19 pandemic for ‘It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.’  

I pray that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit of Pentecost will enlighten our faith and uplift our hearts to bring hope, mercy and healing to all corners of the earth. Let us bring hope and life through our words of concern and actions of mercy and kindness.”

‘Come Holy Spirit, renew the face of the earth.’ (cf Psalm 104:30)

+ Archbishop Simon Poh


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