A ‘33 Days’ to Morning Glory’ transformative journey

Alpha team members gather with Archbishop Simon Poh (front-left) and Fr Galvin Ngumbang (front-right) for the Marian consecration at St Joseph's Cathedral, Kuching - 11 February 2022, Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

By Caroline Soon

KUALA LUMPUR — Once again, in the Spirit of a Pan-Malaysian Church, close to a hundred lay Catholics, together with two priests, embarked on A Do-It-Yourself Retreat on Marian Consecration. A journey that started on 9 January 2022, through to 11 February 2022, ended with Marian Consecration on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Organised by the Alpha-Formed teams comprising of lay leaders from the various dioceses, particularly from Kuala Lumpur and Kuching, this DIY retreat touches on the inspiring stories of four saints’ devotion to Our Lady: St Louis De Montfort, St Maximillian Kolbe, St Teresa of Calcutta, and the old-time favourite saint, John Paul II. It is based on a book by Fr Michael Gaitley, a priest of the Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception. His inspiration is largely drawn from the insightful reflections of the four saints on the Blessed Mother.

The 33 Days’ journey included reading a brief section daily, followed by much pondering and reflection with the help of a Retreat Companion guidebook. Then, once a week, there was a Zoom meeting for the small groups where participants would gather and share insights. The members of the small groups are truly Pan-Malaysian, with every group having members from different parts of the country.

Consecrating to Mary… nearly 50 participants gather at Church of the Assumption, Petaling Jaya – 12 February 2022.

About 50 of the participants were from the Klang Valley. The consecration date for this group was held a date later, on 12 February, with a Mass celebrated by Msgr Leonard Lexson, VG, at the Church of the Assumption, Petaling Jaya.

Three of the core team members, Stephen Chin, Grace Chai, and Cynthia Baring Gould from Kuching organised the consecration ceremony for about 20 participants at the Cathedral of St Joseph. As it was the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, as well as the World Day of the Sick, Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh celebrated the Mass, and at the end of the Eucharistic celebration, he availed himself to the group doing the Consecration. Cynthia shared that this was her first experience and it was meaningful.

We advised the rest of the participants to attend the Eucharist at their home parishes and prayed the Consecration prayer.

So, how does Marian Consecration affect us, and what are the fruits of Marian Consecration?

We are yoked to Christ, as our Blessed Mother leads us to her Son. When we undergo suffering, our yoke is lessened because Mary intercedes for us, and as a Mother, she identifies all that we go through. As God-bearer, Mother Mary teaches us to not only to receive the Word, but to live it out in our daily lives. The fruits are still unfolding in our lives, but we emulate what St John Paul II did when he was alive. His daily entrustment to the Blessed Mother is in his insignia: Totus Tuus (Totally yours).

Below are just two of numerous testimonials that we received.



“I was a cradle Catholic. When I was growing up, my parents would gather all of my siblings including me, to recite the Rosary at 8.00 pm daily without fail. All of us would kneel in front of the Altar which had a portrait of our Mother of Perpetual Help, recite the Rosary, and complete it with the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. With all of this, it became a ritual to me and I didn’t quite understand the importance of the Rosary but to recite it in obedience because of my parents.

Then, three years back, I was introduced by Caroline Soon to the 33DMG. She gave me the book and explained to me how it was done. I kept it safely, staring at the book from time to time and reading it on my own, but not consistently. I was asking the Queen of the Rosary, “Please show me the way? I want to know more about you.” Then one fine day, Caroline contacted me, asking me to join the ‘Lectio Mary’ which was mind-blowing and now, 33DMG. Wow! Mother really wanted me to know and love her in a deeper level. She answered my heart’s desire.

My journey with the Blessed Mother in the 33DMG, opened my eyes and heart that to Jesus through Mary is a Total Consecration! I walked daily with the saints and meditated on all that was shared into the loving and maternal heart of our Blessed Mother. I am so in love with what Blessed Mother Teresa said and I say it every day in my prayer “Mother Mary, lend me your heart and keep me in your most pure heart”. The words “I Thirst”, speaks to me daily of my own thirst for Jesus through Mary. Knowing Mary gives me the grace, peace and a pondering heart to face any challenges in this uncertain world. I am truly grateful that I am chosen by Mary, so much so, I run to her for everything. She understands me, calms my soul and any anxieties that arise. The Rosary is my weapon and I don’t fight the things of this world alone, I have my Blessed Mother, the Immaculate! I will consecrate myself in the consecration prayer to my Blessed Mother every day and give myself completely to her care.” Cassendra Grace, small group host in 33DMG

“One of the transformative effects of this retreat is, I am being drawn into the mysteries of the rosary, and with Mother Mary’s help, I have actually memorised the accompanying prayers like the Memorare, and the Hail Holy Queen. As a convert, I had struggled for many years to pray the rosary, habitually falling asleep halfway while praying.

As I faithfully followed the daily reflections of 33 Days to Morning Glory, I found myself drawn to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and I can resonate with the reflections of St Mother Teresa, who asked Mary to ‘lend her, her heart.’ The heart that drew her to the pierced side of Our Lord, Jesus. During graced moments while in prayers, I too, was drawn to the Lord, and I found myself loving Jesus and desiring to emulate Mother Mary more; to be obedient and docile to the Holy Spirit.

I take this Marian consecration to heart, as I realise that I need a community of faith-filled friends to journey with me. My spiritual life was going on a yo-yo journey, no thanks also to the pandemic situation we are in. An ongoing formation is what I seek and I pray that my new-found spiritual Mother, Our Lady will continue to nurture and guide me.” Serena Cheah, who joined the retreat with her sister


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